jdev - 2022-04-06

  1. MattJ

    I don't track Blabber development closely, but I would be very surprised if any of the Conversations forks put effort into adding support for unencrypted calls

  2. MattJ

    and for your last question, it really depends what you mean by "E2EE" - contrary to popular belief, it's not a standard, protocol, implementation, or algorithm. "E2EE" is just a popular buzzword that is thrown around by lots of people (including, for example, Zoom)

  3. MattJ

    So maybe make your question more specific

  4. MattJ

    I'm not aware of any call encryption that involves the server decrypting data instead of the other party

  5. MattJ

    There is TURN over TLS, but that's an extra layer, not affecting the call data itself

  6. emus

    > Nils escribió: > Okay that's really good to know. > Do you know if Blabber.im as it is a fork of Conversations, does the same forcing encryption thing? > And just to be sure, you are talking about E2EE calls right? Older question on that topic was that they never changed the encryption parts on their own

  7. emus


  8. Zash

    Also, as is common in cryptography, it's building blocks connected to each other in various ways.

  9. Nils

    Okay great, you all answered my questions. Thank you!