jdev - 2022-05-29

  1. Schimon

    Hello, I need your help https://github.com/ge0rg/easy-xmpp-invitation/issues/34

  2. pep.

    Schimon, why do you worry about file xtensions btw? I guess you can get the list of doap files from xmpp.org, or maybe it should be made available if not already. And that can be cached somewhere on the website serving the invitation thing

  3. pep.

    Also I'm not sure why you'd use doap here

  4. Schimon

    1. I like things to be constructive and clear. 2. Me too. emus has suggested it, so why not? Also, these files are intended for use with other projectd, judt copy&paste.

  5. emus

    I just pointed that there are doaps if that appears to be useful

  6. Schimon

    Yes, it is, IMHO

  7. Schimon

    Because, if others are interested, they can copy DOAP files from one project to another with ease (no need to make one from scratch nor to start to lookup for clients etc.) It's great

  8. Schimon

    For exsmple, some SVG files on that commit were made by myself from PNG files, and that costs time. You get the point...

  9. Schimon

    For example, some SVG files on that commit were made by myself from PNG files, and that costs time. You get the point...

  10. Schimon

    For example, some SVG files on that commit were made by myself from PNG files, and that costs time, and I'm not a graphics designer. You get the point...

  11. Ge0rG

    the DOAP file format is missing a "link to native app store" BTW

  12. Ge0rG

    making it cumbersome for the specific goal within the easy-xmpp-invitation project

  13. Ge0rG

    It might make sense to use the <download-page/> element, but I'm not sure if everybody does so, and how to allow "fallbacks"

  14. emus

    FYI wurstsalat ^

  15. pep.

    Ok I thought you'd use doap to choose which app to suggest, which would not be practical to me

  16. Ge0rG

    I'd love to be able to do that as well, but

  17. Schimon

    > Ge0rG: > 2022-05-29 05:01 (GMT+03:00) > the DOAP file format is missing a "link to native app store" BTW XML is customizeable, so we'll add three to four (yes, that's 3 - 4) links. 1. Homepage 2. Proprietary repo 3. F-Drpid app store

  18. Ge0rG

    Schimon: there are DOAP files for most relevant XMPP clients already

  19. Ge0rG

    The question is how to integrate them in a useful way into a JS client app

  20. Schimon

    > Ge0rG: > 2022-05-29 05:02 (GMT+03:00) > making it cumbersome for the specific goal within the easy-xmpp-invitation project I think it's gonna be simple, in the modular sense. I'll make a draft commit and you'll judge

  21. Schimon

    You'll see. You'll see

  22. Schimon

    > Ge0rG: > 2022-05-29 05:36 (GMT+03:00) > Schimon: there are DOAP files for most relevant XMPP clients already I know

  23. Schimon

    But because this is related tp XMPP, in the UX sense, I think DOAP is a good idea

  24. Schimon

    > Ge0rG: > 2022-05-29 05:15 (GMT+03:00) > It might make sense to use the <download-page/> element, but I'm not sure if everybody does so, and how to allow "fallbacks" Please explain "fallback"

  25. Ge0rG

    Schimon: it's great to have the download link be the respective app store, but also to have some "fallback" link to f-droid, apk download or whatever's suitable

  26. Schimon

    Awesome, so we'll make it 5. But this means that server has to have APKs on it's systwm, because XSS is not allowed by most web browsers.

  27. Schimon

    Forget what I wrote.

  28. pep.

    Wh ywould the server need to have APKs. I think Ge0rG is saying the client DOAP may point to an APK itself. Something like Signal is doing (serving APKs on signal.org)

  29. pep.


  30. Schimon

    It imeans that we must check for HTTP status 200. How can that be done in JS if XSS is not allowed in most browsers?

  31. Schimon

    Or provide a fixed fallback in an additional link

  32. Ge0rG

    Schimon: I'm not sure what you want to achieve, but your questions imply that you need to rethink your strategy :)

  33. Schimon


  34. emus

    I think from a user-perspective there should be a pre-selection and maybe link for advance view to the new client page at xmpp.org

  35. Schimon

    I'm not sure I understand, there is a link to xmpp.org already, or do you mean to something else.

  36. Schimon

    pep., Ge0rG: I posted a new comment concerning fallback

  37. pep.

    I would personally avoid querying these files every time the page is queried and I'd cache them