jdev - 2022-05-30

  1. Schimon

    How can I cache them?

  2. grishka@5222.de

    Hi. Are there any articles or other places where I can see example(s) of s2s streams? I'm trying to build a minimal XMPP server to understand the protocol, but so far the behavior I'm seeing in the real world from different servers doesn't always align with the specs.

  3. jonas’

    report any divergence from the specifications to the relevant software projects to get them fixed :)

  4. Zash


  5. grishka@5222.de

    Take starttls for example: - jabber.ru doesn't *require* TLS, but messages I send don't get through to my client either - 5222.de (the one I'm writing this from) does go through starttls fine, but then sends me a dialback request that has my server domain in "from", on my outbound connection, wtf? - matrix.org requires TLS, but after TLS negotiation is done, closes the stream saying "Your server's certificate is invalid, expired, or not trusted by matrix.org" — what does this mean even? I don't receive an inbound connection from it. Am I supposed to provide a client certificate? Am I supposed to use my TLS server certificate for that?

  6. jonas’

    you seem to be mostly confused about the abomination which is dialback

  7. Zash

    Yeah, dialback causes instant confusion. All the terms are backwards.

  8. grishka@5222.de

    hm, okay, so does this actually mean that 5222.de wants me to verify its dialback key?

  9. Zash

    grishka@5222.de, in summary, your servers cert is probably wrong

  10. Zash

    Dialback is generally only used today when the cert is wrong somehow, e.g. expired or so

  11. grishka@5222.de

    and for my toy server it would be fine to swap to and from around and add result="valid" and send that back?

  12. Zash

    That's also what the message from matrix.org points at

  13. grishka@5222.de

    yeah well how *does* the other server get my server certificate?

  14. jonas’

    grishka@5222.de, you need to send it as client certificate

  15. grishka@5222.de

    the kind of TLS I'm used to only involves a single certificate, the one the server sends to the client

  16. jonas’


  17. grishka@5222.de

    ah okay

  18. jonas’

    xmpp s2s may use mutual TLS, so you'll have to send the cert along

  19. jonas’

    and then you may have to do SASL EXTERNAL to lock that in as authentication method

  20. grishka@5222.de

    thanks, I'll try that (I'll have to go through the misery of dealing with Java's cryptography APIs either way, this just means I'll have to do it sooner than planned, lol)

  21. Zash

    https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0178.html#s2s might be handy

  22. Zash

    https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0288.html makes things even nicer and faster

  23. grishka@5222.de

    After setting up a client certificate + private key (and cursing at Java cryptography APIs) I'm now getting a different error: <unsupported-feature xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">No viable authentication method offered</text> So the client certificate replaces dialback, right?

  24. Zash


  25. grishka@5222.de

    or probably I'm not doing the stream restart correctly, it's as if the receiving side doesn't expect me to send <stream:features> after restart

  26. grishka@5222.de

    gotta read the RFC again

  27. Zash

    Unless you found a server other than Prosody producing that <text> message, it likely means _you_ did not offer TLS or SASL

  28. Zash

    Prosody says that for outgoing connections

  29. Zash

    Prosody → you. You're supposed to offer TLS or SASL

  30. Zash

    So, not about client certificates anymore

  31. grishka@5222.de

    I did offer TLS, I did negotiate TLS, and then I received that error over the encrypted connection after only offering dialback 🤔

  32. grishka@5222.de

    I'll try sending empty <stream:features/>

  33. Zash

    If the connection is secured it's expecting to be offered SASL probably

  34. Zash

    It's saying that if it gets a `<stream:features/>` without anything it knows how to handle, and the connection is not completed

  35. Zash

    I.e. it didn't do starttls, nor sasl, nor dialback

  36. Zash

    Due to the modular architecture, it has no idea why

  37. grishka@5222.de

    still I receive: <stream:features><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>EXTERNAL</mechanism></mechanisms><dialback xmlns="urn:xmpp:features:dialback"/></stream:features> I send: <stream:features><dialback xmlns="urn:xmpp:features:dialback"/></stream:features> then I receive the aforementioned error

  38. grishka@5222.de

    dialback _is_ a matching feature, so why is it not happy with that?

  39. Zash

    Dialback is not advertised in `<stream:features>` for historical reasons

  40. Zash

    So if no SASL is offered, it's probably assumed to be there and attempted. Unless the module is not loaded, or some reason.

  41. moparisthebest

    grishka@5222.de, honestly if you implement TLS client auth (SASL EXTERNAL) you won't need to implement dialback today in 2022, but you need a trusted certificate from a CA

  42. grishka@5222.de

    I tried not sending <stream:features> and sending <db:request> instead, now it feels like I'm getting further — I'm receiving an incoming connection from 5222.de that gets stuck at starttls because I don't implement the receiving end of that yet, so that's the next thing to be taken care of I guess

  43. grishka@5222.de

    moparisthebest, it is a trusted certificate from a CA, it's a let's encrypt one I pulled out of my server

  44. moparisthebest

    and you are sending it as your client cert on outgoing connections ?

  45. grishka@5222.de


  46. moparisthebest

    then dialback shouldn't even come up

  47. Kev

    And you're constructing the chain correctly?

  48. Zash

    Also, you may be interested in https://badxmpp.eu/

  49. moparisthebest

    I guess what I'm saying is you should chase the bug in your TLS cert auth and forget about dialback, seeing a dialback attempt is just telling you your cert auth failed

  50. Zash

    Hm, wait

  51. Zash

    > I receive: <stream:features> > I send: <stream:features> on the same connection?

  52. Zash

    The party answering the connection sends stream features, not both

  53. Zash

    This all of course gets confusing when there are two connections involved

  54. Zash

    So it's a good idea to clarify which connections are involved

  55. grishka@5222.de

    Zash oh thanks for badxmpp.eu