Hello Whst clients support xep-0174? XEP-0174: Serverless Messaging https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0174.html✎ -
Hello What clients support xep-0174? XEP-0174: Serverless Messaging https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0174.html ✏
emus, Slixfeed project, albeit needs improvements and refinements, can be found at https://gitgud.io/sjehuda/slixfeed
Schimon: cool, feel free to write a newsletter entry
> they they added 20+ other XEPs until they reached the conclusion, its probably good if we know what we are talking to 😂
19:03 - MattJ > That way you could share HTTP and IPFS, and clients that understand IPFS could use that Here's a video about privacy and tracking which I want to share as is https://www.nuegia.net/_-dNZrq2iK87k.mp4 (912M) I don't want to upload it to a so-called video sharing website that tracks people. Of course we have PeerTube system, which uses BitTorrent to reduce load on HTTP source. Nevertheless, I choose to use IPFS to do this. I've classified documents I want to share or photos etc.. I think IPFS would be a great solution.
Schimon: the thing about ipfs is that there is no incentive for it. Compared to some incentive for torrents or the peertube volunteering style. And the online factor is not really interesting to me. We need more "its okay to be offline sometimes". Regarding the sharing we can just make servers/clients into torrent nodes and that solves the sharing in xmpp groups. And privacy of course is a no go in all of them. For that you are better off making an onion site
> Compared to some incentive for torrents or the peertube volunteering style. Agreed. I'll take more thought into it.
I know of filecoin which was created for that fyi. Schimon But its still questionable for me. Especially with the value proposition for xmpf groups in particular. Maybe as site p2p duplicator?? But there are other projects for that like gnunet, huper something and freenet to name a few. And i2p of course
What's xmpf? > Maybe as site p2p duplicator?? What do you mean?
> Schimon wrote: > What's xmpf? Xmpp. Mispelled there :D > What do you mean? I mean as a system where you put your website and its distributed throught the network. To have it more online
I'm under the train of thought of how to move away as much as possible from centralized mechanisms of any type.✎ -
I'm under the train of thought of how to move away as much as possible from centralized mechanisms of any type. It's no secrert that centralized systems are misused and are often promoted by governments (and their so-called authorities) that don't respect privacy. ✏
Agreed. But xmpp is not really centralized anyway ^^
Otherwise I wouldn't be here reporting bugs and submitting QA reports