jdev - 2022-08-03

  1. Rohan

    Hi..!! I am new to xmpp. Can anyone tell me how can I use same nickname for multiple resources (devices) of a single user in muc? Currently getting nickname conflict error.

  2. Zash

    If you're using the same account then it should just work with most modern servers, I think.

  3. Zash

    Either the MUC doesn't support Multi Session Nicks or a different account uses the nickname already.

  4. Rohan

    Zash thank you for your response. I am using same Jabbar Id but with different resources. Dose different resources can cause an issue of conflict.

  5. Rohan

    Is suppose Jabbar Id user1@domain/web and user1@domain/mobile treats as two different account in muc?

  6. Zash

    If the bare JID is the same (user1@domain) then the MUC should allow you to use the same nickname. Some older servers don't however.

  7. Rohan

    The server which i am currently using throws an conflict error. Is there any way to use same nick for a user with different resources in muc. Is there any specific muc config or something else?

  8. Zash

    Not that I know of.

  9. Rohan

    Zash Okay..!! Thank you for your response.

  10. Zash

    All I know it we went to quite some length to implement nickname sharing in Prosody.

  11. Rohan

    Okay..!! Those prosody supports nick sharing?

  12. Zash

    Prosody supports sharing nickname.

  13. Zash

    This MUC right here runs Prosody, and I have at least a phone and a desktop client using my nickname right now.

  14. Rohan

    Oh..!! That's great Zash. If you know can you tell me xep-xxx to enable the support.

  15. Zash


  16. Zash

    Search for "Multi-Session Nick"