jdev - 2022-12-31

  1. roberty0979

    Let's say I'm taking CS courses and have no Dev xp to boot other than a handful of garbage JavaFX instructor-led apps. Would anyone here be willing to tell me what language is best suited to build an XMPP chat app?

  2. roberty0979

    For beginners

  3. Zash

    roberty0979, why not start with languages you know and check if there are any existing clients or libraries written in that that you can look at.

  4. Zash


  5. EOF

    roberty0979: raku

  6. EOF

    (/s but check it out)

  7. EOF

    Rust probably

  8. EOF

    Erlang would be ideal but it's not geared for desktop apps

  9. EOF

    Haskell or ML would scratch most of the Erlang itches

  10. EOF

    If the JVM is a must, Clojure

  11. Sam

    What Zash said, probably. If you're trying to learn general software skills, a new language, a new library, and a new protocol all at once you're going to be having a bad day. Pick something you're comfortable in that supports the platforms you want and has a good XMPP library, then go from there. As you gain experience you'll realize that "what's best" isn't really a question that makes much sense and it's not something we can answer for you.

  12. qy

    i gotta say, a haskell one would be awesome

  13. roberty0979

    I am most familiar with Java at this point. There is a Java library, but it seems most of the languages mentioned are functional programming focused and Java is OOP. That's what I don't know at this point. OOP seems intuitive for me, but are there functional languages that make development of things like a jabber/XMPP app easier?

  14. qy

    i would actually say yes, since a lot of the control flow lends itself to pattern matching and the like

  15. qy

    ...damn now i want to write a gui client

  16. Sam

    For the most part the language choice won't make it easier or harder. At least, not compared to using something you're familiar with.

  17. roberty0979

    Sounds good

  18. roberty0979
