jdev - 2024-08-05

  1. dwd

    > XMPP doesn't really have a separate concept of a "conversation" Well, there is the thread identifier, but I'm not sure anyone really uses that.

  2. Menel

    Cheogram uses that, and... Movim maybe?

  3. Zash

    Still, what is a "conversation"?

  4. dwd

    See XEP-0201?

  5. dwd

    (One I'd forgotten existed, I was typing a message saying that nobody knows what a conversation/thread is in semantic terms, but thought I really ought to check)

  6. edhelas

    I'm currently working on stream renegociation in Jingle / WebRTC to allow the add/removal of new video/audio tracks.

  7. edhelas


  8. edhelas

    I saw that it was specified in Jingle here https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0166.html#def-action-content-add But it seems that the latest WebRTC browser implementation are doing it directly without the 3rd party signalisation channel.

  9. edhelas

    What are your tough on this ?

  10. seil

    For some reason iqCaller (xmppjs) does not return anything and I have to handle everything through events (e.g. I create a trigger function which sends out a command to the server, then I just handle everything in the stanza event) is this intentional design or something I'm doing wrong?

  11. seil

    `await client.iqCaller.set(query).catch(console.error);`

  12. Zash

    https://github.com/xmppjs/xmpp.js/tree/main/packages/iq#get looks to me as it should be returning something. They don't have the `.catch()` in the examples tho not sure if that would really change anything for successful responses.

  13. Zash

    Tho the way the .get and .set functions extract the response payload seems to assume that it will always match the request name+xmlns, but I'm not sure that is the case

  14. Zash

    seil, what is `query` you're trying with?

  15. seil

    > seil, what is `query` you're trying with? ```js async function syncMessageList(lastMessageId: string) { console.log(lastMessageId); const query = xml( "query", { xmlns: "urn:xmpp:mam:2" }, xml( "x", { xmlns: "jabber:x:data", type: "submit" }, xml( "field", { var: "FORM_TYPE", type: "hidden" }, xml("value", {}, "urn:xmpp:mam:2") ), xml("field", { var: "after" }, xml("value", {}, lastMessageId)) ) ); await client.iqCaller.set(query).catch(console.error); } ```

  16. Zash

    Yeah MAM will not work with this code, is there no special MAM query in xmpp.jsq

  17. Zash

    Yeah MAM will not work with this code, is there no special MAM query in xmpp.js?

  18. seil

    > Yeah MAM will not work with this code, is there no special MAM query in xmpp.js? Not that I know of..

  19. Zash

    As I said, .get() and .set() make assumptions that will not always work, especially not with MAM where the results are delivered in message stanzas, not the iq-result

  20. seil

    So would it be better to just make a .request()?

  21. Zash

    Yes, + something to catch <message><{urn:xmpp:mam:2}result/>

  22. Zash

    until you get the iq result

  23. seil

    I also looked into iqCallee but I don't really understand what it should listen for (client.iqCallee.set("???", (ctx) => {...}))

  24. singpolyma

    If you're trying to do a lot of stuff like full MAM in JavaScript you may also be interested in snikket SDK, which wraps xmpp.js and adds a lot of high level features like a MAM sync stack and persistence layer

  25. singpolyma

    > I saw that it was specified in Jingle here https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0166.html#def-action-content-add But it seems that the latest WebRTC browser implementation are doing it directly without the 3rd party signalisation channel. edhelas: the link you sent is using a signalling channel. onnegotiationneeded you get the latest SDP and send it. With jingle instead of sending the SDP you want to figure out what changed (something added, removed, etc) and send the right event

  26. edhelas

    Yes that was my point, the problem is that Conversations is using the Jingle way but WebRTC moved to have a specific channel for that

  27. edhelas

    Didn't checked how Dino and the others are doing it

  28. singpolyma

    I'm not sure what problem you mean?

  29. edhelas

    In an already existing audio-call: When I enable the camera on Conversations I have a content-add in Jingle When I enable the camera on Firefox/Chrome they basically already negociate the thing using their signaling channel

  30. singpolyma

    They don't have a signalling channel

  31. singpolyma

    So I'm not sure what you mean