jdev - 2024-10-30

  1. Zash

    Holger, user reports suggest the new ejabberd bidi support sends the stream feature instead of negotiation element

  2. Schimon

    Good afternoon. I have a Jabber ID of type "account" and is identified as "pubsub" service. ``` (Pdb) for identity in iq_disco_info['identities']: identity ('pubsub', 'service', None, 'PubSub') (Pdb) jid_bare 'account@tigase.org' (Pdb) ``` I can determine that the type is "account" due to the sign "@" in the Jabber ID itself.

  3. Schimon

    Question: Could a Jabber ID with sign "@" be something other than "account"? Do only Jabber IDs of type "account" include the sign "@"?

  4. Schimon

    Question: (same question, different form). 1) Could a Jabber ID with sign "@" be something other than "account"? 2) Do only Jabber IDs of type "account" include the sign "@"?

  5. Schimon

    Question: (same question, different form). 1) Could a Jabber ID with sign "@" be of type other than "account"? 2) Do only Jabber IDs of type "account" include the sign "@"?

  6. singpolyma

    Yes a jabber id with an @ can be anything. account, muc, even things not yet invented

  7. Schimon

    Yes. MUC. I have neglected that!

  8. singpolyma

    In general I know of only one case where the presence of @ is known to be required, and that is a muc

  9. Schimon

    I suppose that have a problem with accounts of tigase.org. Ping @ Wojtek.

  10. singpolyma

    an account could be a bare domain. a pubsub server probably can have an @ I can't think right now why not

  11. Schimon

    Generally, I treat (not to be confised with "determine") a JID as an account, if I do not find any other identities.

  12. Schimon

    Specifically, recognizing an account requires sharing of subscription, from my *observation*.

  13. Schimon

    Would it be sensible to define an XEP to determine types of JIDs, or should that infor remain concealed as much as possible long as presence is not shared?

  14. Schimon

    This is only question; and I would be fine with the current system which requires me to make a few various of checks to determine what the type of a JID is.

  15. Zash

    > an account could be a bare domain. a pubsub server probably can have an @ I can't think right now why not With PEP your account JID is a pubsub service. :)

  16. Schimon


  17. Schimon

    > With PEP your account JID is a pubsub service. :) I agree.

  18. Schimon


  19. Schimon


  20. Schimon

    > https://xmpp.pimux.de/file_share/f9939125-8446-42a9-99a6-e0309c39253f/256-fasi_pubsub.png This account was identified as pubsub due to `('pubsub', 'service', None, 'PubSub')`.

  21. Schimon

    > https://xmpp.pimux.de/file_share/d6709898-0a27-4f83-9ee0-a17de0f8f20c/256-fasi_unknown.png This account is unidentified, because it does not share its subscription.

  22. Schimon

    If an account is recognozed, then a button "Message" appears with Query URI `?message`.

  23. Schimon

    For the sake of the software procedure, I have fixed this issue by determining that JIDs which were not recognized as conferences (i.e. MIX or MUC) and have the sign @ may not be classified as PubSub services nor servers, which means that they could be classified only as type "account" or "bot"|.

  24. Schimon

    Problem solved.

  25. Schimon

    Developing with XMPP surely makes me feel as if I am 10 years old again. That was a period of time when I have constantly explored everything!

  26. singpolyma

    so the account is advertising itself as a pubsub service?

  27. singpolyma

    oh of course. because it is one

  28. singpolyma

    becaue of pep

  29. singpolyma

    I knew pubsub services could have an @ in them! in fact they commonly do. because of pep

  30. Schimon

    The classification of FASI for PubSub is whether the JID is exclusively PubSub.

  31. Schimon

    PubSub JIDs such has pubsub.movim.eu are treated as news sources. Account JIDs are examined for "node name" "urn:xmpp:microblog:0" and once found, accessible and contain items, a link is generated to view these items.

  32. Schimon

    This is only for the sake of the operation of FASI.

  33. Schimon

    larma. I have followed your first proposed solution. I hope that I have done it correctly.

  34. Schimon

    This is the result:

  35. Schimon


  36. Schimon

    This is the test file:

  37. Schimon


  38. Schimon

    goffi. This may be of interest to you.

  39. larma

    You shouldn't put more than one url+x-ablabel in a single group. The purpose of the group is to make the url and x-ablabel inside it grouped together, so the client can know that the label is for the URL. if you have two url and two x-ablabel in the same group, a client couldn't know which x-ablabel is for which url - the vCard logic doesn't order the elements, so you can't rely on it being adjacent

  40. larma

    I don't think vCard supports subgroups or anything else that is about display grouping. After all, vCards are meant to be factual descriptions, not a visual representation ot similar

  41. larma

    I don't think vCard supports subgroups or anything else that is about display grouping. After all, vCards are meant to be factual descriptions and don't describe visual representation

  42. Schimon

    Then, I suppose that I have implemented it incorrectly, yes?

  43. seil

    I noticed that @xmpp/client also includes (seemingly) dev dependencies in regular dependencies (e.g. @babel packages), is this intentional?

  44. singpolyma

    Probably best to ask on their issue tracker

  45. Martin

    Does anyone know of a server using `urn:xmpp:alt-connections:tls` in hostmeta2?

  46. singpolyma

    I don't think anyone is using hostmeta2 except http-proxy

  47. singpolyma

    I don't think anyone is using hostmeta2 except xmpp-proxy

  48. Martin

    I see.

  49. seil

    gajim still warns me about expired certificate

  50. Zash

    ensured prosody has access to the new certs?

  51. Zash

    prosodyctl cert import does this automatically by coping them into /etc/prosody/certs (many acme clients restrict access to certs to over-privileged web servers only)

  52. seil

    > ensured prosody has access to the new certs? ahh i needed to run cert import

  53. seil


  54. seil

    now i just need to figure out why xmppjs doesnt connect

  55. seil

    > gajim still warns me about expired certificate seems like i accidentally opened the wrong chat when i reconnected..thank you so much Zash for being in both chats 😃️