Is it practical to have XMPP clients running in background-mode (socalled "daemon") and build a separately software with an interface to interact with that XMPP client?✎ -
Is it practical to have XMPP clients that are built to run in background-mode (so-called "daemon"), and build a separately software with an interface to interact with that XMPP client? ✏
Is it practical to have XMPP clients that are built to run in background-mode (so-called "daemon"), and build a separate software with an interface to interact with that XMPP client? ✏
Good day! Is it practical to have XMPP clients that are built to run in background-mode (so-called "daemon"), and build a separate software with an interface to interact with that XMPP client? ✏
> You shouldn't put more than one url+x-ablabel in a single group. The purpose of the group is to make the url and x-ablabel inside it grouped together, so the client can know that the label is for the URL. if you have two url and two x-ablabel in the same group, a client couldn't know which x-ablabel is for which url - the vCard logic doesn't order the elements, so you can't rely on it being adjacent larma. Thank you. I will correct my mistake! ↺
larma. Is this current.xml correct?
You can't have two groups with the same name (they're effectively the same group). Group names are technical identifiers and not really meant for enduser display
larma. Suppose I allocate a unique name to each group, would the file be valid?
I think so. Not sure if there are any good validators out there.
I did not find any validator, yet.
Schimon: movim (php daemon + web clients) and libervia (python daemon + various clients) seem to be examples of > XMPP clients that are built to run in background-mode (so-called "daemon"), and build a separate software with an interface to interact with that XMPP client
wgreenhouse. Thank you. I might be wanting to build a software on top of Libervia-backend.
https://github.com/mangstadt/ez-vcard supports parsing xCard (XML vCard) has validation and also allows to convert to plain vCard. I took it to validate the current.xml you shared, which is technically valid, however when exporting it back to xCard, you can see that a) groups with same names are merged, b) ordering is not preserved. So what you get is groups that have two URL and two x-ablabel, but unclear which label belongs to which url: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/3013212c/
If you export the vCard using ez-vcard in plain format, you get: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/1015e8cd/ I imported that one into Google's contacts app for testing and it will put one of the labels on both URLs within the group:
If you want a specific ordering, you should use the PREF property parameter rather than relying on the ordering in the file. Also I'd suggest to add an IMPP property to the file (with the user's XMPP address) so that the address is preserved when downloading the vcard to somewhere else
This is the current one, after considering your comment.
Looks good, now becomes this:
> https://larma.de:5281/file_share/QAzH_UsPkon5FgZLAg8Dg-LG/c15d7f55-109c-4094-99ce-1b0a0335bb19.png Yes. It looks better. Thank you. ↺
> If you want a specific ordering, you should use the PREF property parameter rather than relying on the ordering in the file. Also I'd suggest to add an IMPP property to the file (with the user's XMPP address) so that the address is preserved when downloading the vcard to somewhere else Adding PREF would be useful.✎ ↺ -
> If you want a specific ordering, you should use the PREF property parameter rather than relying on the ordering in the file. Also I'd suggest to add an IMPP property to the file (with the user's XMPP address) so that the address is preserved when downloading the vcard to somewhere else I think, that adding PREF would be useful. ✏ ↺
larma. I have corrected the code. Thank you.
> larma. I have corrected the code. Thank you. https://git.xmpp-it.net/sch/FASI/commit/10215d7fca4ac80d2868af49a3752776772cbdf3#diff-2c6d4148030743bb8bb0fd7bb890f45b4afdf83c > Correct extraction of information from vCard4 Over XMPP (XEP-0292). > Thank you to Marvin W. ↺
Is there a group chat for MCabber? (mcabber.com)
s.j.o doesn't yield any results, but maybe Holger knows oneā¦