singpolyma, it is a turn based game. We could add a timeout mechinism and winner is declared if other player will not connect within time. Or another approach, if player disconnects then opponent will automatically be declared winner. Is 1st approach very complex to implement?
Link Mauve
“08:46:12 Guus> I also recall that there was an (OSS?) game that had a booth next to us at FOSDEM a few years ago. I think they used XMPP only for in-game chat.”, might have been 0ad?
Link Mauve
Ah, pulkomandy already answered.
Link Mauve
nidhish, I once used XMPP in my game to do negotiation of a multiplayer game, using Jingle to pick which characters the players would use, which difficulty they would play at, etc., but it was a real-time game so that just negotiated a raw UDP transport (XEP-0177).
Link Mauve, Ours is also a real time turn based game. Did you use xep-0177 for moves communication? and what other xeps you used?
Link Mauve
It was a real-time vertical shooter actually, so I used XEP-0177 just to open a UDP socket in which to write your input and wait for the other player’s.
Link Mauve
In order to accomodate network latency, the game would introduce fake input latency, so when you press some key it would actually affect the game one or two or three frames later (depending on the initial negotiation), so we don’t have to block even if we didn’t receive the previous frame’s input from the remote yet.