jdev - 2025-01-21

  1. dwd

    If anyone else is having a bad day, I've just spent a while trying to debug why messages aren't getting through to a client that's not actually online.

  2. Guus

    dwd: if you need help with that, then I think I know why messages are not coming through.

  3. dwd

    Guus, Funnily enough, I did work it out.

  4. Guus


  5. jonas’

    dwd, I lost an hour doing something via a shitty web interface, which didn't work. Once I used an API client it immediately worked.

  6. Guus

    (I once had that with a client that turned out to be connected to a _different_ server)

  7. jonas’

    so there's that.

  8. dwd

    Mind you I also just tried to tab-complete my password, so maybe I should just step away slowly from the computer tat this point.

  9. Guus

    Trying to click on hyperlinks on a printed sheet of paper is my personal low.

  10. dwd

    I have been known to tap repeatedly on a macbook screen, but I think that's understandable.

  11. Guus

    Depends: was the intent to open a link, or break the screen?

  12. dwd

    Push a button, but either's understandable.

  13. jonas’

    Guus, I have an e paper tablet for notetaking. It has a nice double-finger-tap for undo gesture.

  14. jonas’

    I won't admit how often I tried that on actual paper.

  15. jonas’

    .oO("hm, I can make a nicer signature than that" *instinctive double-finger-tap*)