XMPP Service Operators - 2018-01-19

  1. Maranda

    -ping lightwitch.org

  2. Bunneh

    Maranda: Pong from lightwitch.org in 4.928 seconds

  3. Maranda

    -ping lightwitch.org

  4. Bunneh

    Maranda: Pong from lightwitch.org in 0.156 seconds

  5. nuron

    -ping shreddox.eu

  6. Bunneh

    nuron: Pong from shreddox.eu in 0.223 seconds

  7. nuron

    -uptime shreddox.eu

  8. Bunneh

    nuron: shreddox.eu has been running for 17 hours and 14 minutes

  9. nuron

    -uptime jabber.de

  10. Bunneh

    nuron: jabber.de has been running for 1 week and 19 hours

  11. nuron


  12. nuron

    How does Bunneh works?

  13. Maranda points Zash.

  14. nuron


  15. Zash

    Step one, take a nap

  16. Maranda

    -contact lightwitch.org

  17. Bunneh

    Maranda: Contact addresses for lightwitch.org are mailto:abuse@lightwitch.org (abuse) https://lightwitch.org/contact (admin) xmpp:support@conference.lightwitch.org?join (support) https://lightwitch.org/im-service/support (support)

  18. nuron

    -contact shreddox.eu

  19. Bunneh

    nuron: shreddox.eu doesn't have any contact addresses

  20. nuron

    -uptime shreddox.eu

  21. Bunneh

    nuron: shreddox.eu has been running for 3 hours and 24 minutes

  22. zuglufttier

    Is it just me or is the apache of shreddox.eu a bit dated with version 2.2.15?

  23. Zash

    Apache 1.3.37 was the best version