XMPP Service Operators - 2018-03-31

  1. Martin

    -ping trashserver.net

  2. Bunneh

    Martin: Pong from trashserver.net in 30.022 seconds

  3. SouL

    That was fast

  4. nuron

    -ping trashserver.net

  5. Bunneh

    nuron: Pong from trashserver.net in 0.036 seconds

  6. nuron

    Hmm much better 🤔

  7. nuron

    @ping trashserver.net

  8. Echo1

    nuron: Pong from trashserver.net in 5.485 seconds

  9. nuron

    Is there a client fur ad hoc for android? I have android 7.1.2 rooted