XMPP Service Operators - 2018-09-15

  1. Martin

    @version mdosch.de

  2. Echo1

    Martin: mdosch.de is running Prosody version hg:3429006518bf on a light bulb

  3. Martin

    Always drugs or light bulb 😐 Seems it is lazy to pick the other terms...

  4. Maranda

    @version mdosch.de

  5. Echo1

    Maranda: mdosch.de is running Prosody version hg:3429006518bf on a light bulb

  6. Maranda

    @version mdosch.de

  7. Echo1

    Maranda: mdosch.de is running Prosody version hg:3429006518bf on a light bulb

  8. Maranda


  9. Maranda

    Martin: the version command script's rng you are using looks borked ™️

  10. Martin

    Maranda: it only picks a random on restart or prosodyctl reload 😃

  11. Martin

    @version mdosch.de

  12. Echo1

    Martin: mdosch.de is running Prosody version hg:3429006518bf on a raspberry pi (not the OBC)

  13. Martin


  14. Maranda

    Martin: blah, mine always pipes

  15. Maranda


  16. Martin

    @version mdosch.de

  17. Echo1

    Martin: mdosch.de is running Prosody version hg:3429006518bf on a raspberry pi (not the OBC)

  18. Martin


  19. Martin

    @version mdosch.de

  20. Echo1

    Martin: mdosch.de is running Prosody version hg:3429006518bf on a dish washer

  21. vanitasvitae


  22. yon

    who can offer bgp vps

  23. yon

    or bgp transit