XMPP Service Operators - 2018-12-30

  1. Neustradamus

    blackjabber.com a lot today!

  2. Neustradamus

    MattJ: do you know who can update the jabber.org M-Link XMPP server?

  3. Neustradamus

    Because old

  4. Neustradamus

    And old conf...

  5. Neustradamus

    And add possibility to block domains?

  6. Neustradamus

    I have done a best list previously

  7. Neustradamus

    It was added in a list? Ge0rG ?

  8. pep.

    No it was not. Ge0rG has tried to define rules to blacklist domains, have you done any of that? If you not happy with the rules you should discuss them first.

  9. Ge0rG

    please open issues on the repository to discuss the rules. Or follow the rules and send me evidence to enlist domains

  10. Neustradamus

    You can see other too: - https://github.com/bluszcz/jabber-spam-blacklist - https://github.com/agx/jabber-spam-blacklist

  11. mightyBroccoli

    Neustradamus, I would like to mention that the agx/jabber-spam-blacklist python script is not really feasible as ejabberd needs the elements quoted which the script does not provide. PyYAML is yanky af. I wrote a small script to generate a yml file with correct formatting, I could post here if someone is interested.