XMPP Service Operators - 2019-08-11

  1. reset


  2. Jonny

    Anyone know what I can do to get a better key exchange score? https://xmpp.net/result.php?domain=rimkus.it&type=client#certificates

  3. Licaon_Kter

    Jonny: why?

  4. pep.

    Jonny, key size maybe. But yeah my first question was also going to be "Why"

  5. pep.

    If it's just to get green checks, "A" is already good :)

  6. Jonny

    Yep just to get A+

  7. Jonny


  8. Jonny

    Hmm next time in September I'll try higher key size is 8096 next usual value?

  9. pep.


  10. Jonny

    Isn't it already 4096?

  11. pep.

    xmpp.net says 2048

  12. pep.

    for the certificate*

  13. Jonny

    No right it's 2048... Possibly that's the reason

  14. tom

    Why not ECC384?