XMPP Service Operators - 2019-11-15

  1. tom

    as a Muc operator, how would to even go about stopping spammers without closing off your mucs to everyone else?

  2. tom

    is all you can do just contact the spammers of every open host?

  3. tom

    *contact the ops

  4. MattJ

    tom: spam as in advertising spam?

  5. MattJ

    I don't want to speak too soon, but I have rarely seen that in MUCs

  6. MattJ

    But I think it is little different to speak filtering methods for private chats

  7. MattJ

    But I think it is little different to spam filtering methods for private chats

  8. MattJ

    In private you have the roster as a list of trusted entities, in MUC you have the member list

  9. tom

    just thinking ahead

  10. Martin

    Recently there were some spammers advertising in all bigger mucs

  11. Ge0rG

    It was a guy joining them manually.

  12. Ge0rG

    We got the account deleted within 30 minutes

  13. Martin

    Ge0rG: yeah, but you can also spam mucs with any sendxmpp incarnation so maybe there will come more.

  14. Ge0rG


  15. MattJ
