XMPP Service Operators - 2020-08-17

  1. tom

    Apparently Zoom is based on XMPP. yet another evil tech corp taking free software & open interoperable standards, ripping out the interoperability, and adding in spyware https://upload.nuegia.net/e33e0872-eda4-49c3-9dd2-715e668c98a1/screenshot.png

  2. tom

    » Elastic Search, Elastic cache, DynamoDB, SQS and S3 I can't think of why these tools would be required to running an XMPP server

  3. tom

    My guess is that they are storing absolutely EVERYTHING to an amazon S3 bucket

  4. tom

    Even videocalls

  5. tom

    Running ""analytics"" on them

  6. tom

    Did you know that Egypt was found to record ALL IP traffic egressing the country to disk?

  7. tom

    » Running ""analytics"" on them to """improve our services"""

  8. thndrbvr

    Zoom has also said they want to be able to share everything with the US gov't. They kept flip flopping with how any sort of encryption was being done.

  9. tom

    Sooner or later that giant bucket of userdata is going to leak

  10. tom

    Especially with their security track record

  11. tom

    It will probably be the next Cambridge analytica

  12. tom

    Possibly worse

  13. tom

    I'm tempted to download the binary on a separate machine, do a little blackboxing myself. Maybe throw it into Ghirda

  14. stvn

    Prosody or ejabberd ?

  15. Licaon_Kter

    stvn: yes...

  16. stvn

    Haha, so both are good ?

  17. Licaon_Kter

    stvn: yes, depends on stuff, what's your usecase?

  18. stvn

    Personal server, vps hosted, id also open registration for other people to use

  19. stvn

    thndrbvr: now on zoom you have to pay for e2e

  20. MattJ

    stvn: running a public server involves some amount of work - dealing with spammers, and so on

  21. MattJ

    I'd recommend against it generally, unless you're really prepared for that

  22. a

    or not dealing with spammers at all

  23. a

    I was told about day Tigase can automatically detect and block spam accounts

  24. a

    I was told another day Tigase can automatically detect and block spam accounts

  25. a

    sadly I don't use Tigase

  26. MattJ

    Not sure what Tigase does exactly, but Prosody has similar capabilities

  27. a

    but I'm pretty sure a similar feature will be available in ejaaberd eventually

  28. a

    but I'm pretty sure a similar feature will be available in ejabberd eventually

  29. Ge0rG

    "automatically detect and block spammers" - ha, I wish there'd be such a thing

  30. Ge0rG

    the best you can get is automatically block people who registered throuh potential proxy servers

  31. a

    so... go for it. go for the open server. the more the merrier

  32. MattJ

    https://yaxim.org/blog/2020/05/12/new-anti-spam-measures/ - example write-up from Ge0rG for Prosody

  33. Licaon_Kter

    stvn: open for other people does not mean public necessary, eg. You can create the account and share the credentials.

  34. MattJ

    Licaon_Kter: noooooooooooo

  35. MattJ

    Why do XMPP folk think that handing around passwords is acceptable in 2020?

  36. Ge0rG

    MattJ: because there is no other way with an UX that is understandable by users

  37. MattJ

    Ge0rG: that's demonstrably not true?

  38. Ge0rG

    MattJ: ...in XMPP

  39. MattJ

    Easy invites work great

  40. Ge0rG

    MattJ: I tried it once with a family member, and it wasn't perfect.

  41. MattJ


  42. MattJ

    I tried it with 8 family members and about 20 people at FOSDEM

  43. Ge0rG

    MattJ: maybe it's better if we push the JID and token through Google Play.

  44. MattJ

    That's what Snikket does, works great

  45. stvn

    Dont think id had much public traffic tbh

  46. stvn

    But id defently allow public acces, i will look around spam protection then

  47. MattJ

    stvn: spam bots scan for servers that allow registration and can register thousands of accounts each day

  48. stvn

    Is there some xmpp monitor ?

  49. MattJ

    Also see https://prosody.im/doc/public_servers

  50. Ge0rG

    MattJ: it still lacks a big bold 30pt statement about the rule #1 of running public xmpp servers

  51. Licaon_Kter

    > I tried it with 8 family members and about 20 people at FOSDEM I'm not doing this ^^^ so it scales :))

  52. Licaon_Kter

    Also clients can change passwords...c'mon

  53. Licaon_Kter

    Ge0rG: what's that? _"DON'T"_?

  54. pep.

    Licaon_Kter, how many of these users are going to it (change passwords)

  55. Licaon_Kter

    Let's not move the goalpost :))

  56. pep.

    "Why do XMPP folk think that handing around passwords is acceptable in 2020?" < I'm not moving this one. I agree with the statement behind the question and I was just continuing to highlight pitfalls of your approach :)

  57. Licaon_Kter


  58. Licaon_Kter

    ejabberd lol

  59. Martin

    > Why do XMPP folk think that handing around passwords is acceptable in 2020? I had to do those for my apples.

  60. Licaon_Kter

    MattJ: > Why do XMPP folk think that handing around passwords is acceptable in 2020? Having one client on one platform and one server...is acceptable? What is this now, Matrix?

  61. pep.

    I agree that's a fair point. Neither protocols nor implementations are close to fixing this. That doesn't make handling around passwords more acceptable though

  62. MattJ

    Martin: Siskin has supported invite links since FOSDEM

  63. Ge0rG

    Licaon_Kter: exactly!

  64. MattJ

    And the invite page allows you to enter a password manually to create the account

  65. MattJ

    So no, I don't think a single implementation is healthy, and I don't think it's what we have

  66. pep.

    MattJ, prosody's original mod_invite you mean?

  67. Martin

    MattJ: Hmm, didn't know that.

  68. Licaon_Kter

    MattJ: I do want all this ofcourse, but I can't erlang so there's that....

  69. MattJ

    pep.: original and the Snikket one

  70. pep.


  71. MattJ

    So from the user perspective the only difference with the new stuff is that you can register right within the app instead of on the site

  72. MattJ

    So no awkwardly typing your password twice