XMPP Service Operators - 2020-10-28

  1. Arne


  2. jonas’


  3. Arne


  4. Arne

    Thanks. I always don't know if my security level is to high for some rooms..

  5. Arne

    Room conversations seems not to wirl at Moment

  6. jonas’

    (<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6RlozysHGA> for those who don’t get the reference)

  7. antranigv

    are there any statistics on how many active XMPP users are out there?

  8. antranigv

    say via clients programs or servers?

  9. antranigv

    it would be a nice info to have

  10. Licaon_Kter

    antranigv: why bother? Just invent a number and go with it

  11. antranigv

    Licaon_Kter, LOL

  12. Licaon_Kter

    Eg. Get all the number of downloads on play store for Conversations, Xabber, Yaxim, StorkIM, Pix-Art, and consider that Conversations has 2/3 of users on F-Droid. Add these numbers...

  13. j.r (jugendhacker.de)

    > are there any statistics on how many active XMPP users are out there? > say via clients programs or servers? > it would be a nice info to have I only know about the statistics on search.jabber.network but their are really unreliable...

  14. jonas’

    unreliable for many (good) reasons indeed

  15. j.r (jugendhacker.de)

    > are there any statistics on how many active XMPP users are out there? > say via clients programs or servers? > it would be a nice info to have I only know about the statistics on search.jabber.network but their are *really* unreliable...

  16. sebastian

    Licaon_Kter: > Eg. Get all the number of downloads on play store for Conversations, Xabber, Yaxim, StorkIM, Pix-Art, and consider that Conversations has 2/3 of users on F-Droid. Add these numbers... And then deduct half of it because users don't stick with XMPP 😥

  17. Licaon_Kter

    sebastian: never deduct, c'mon, it's uncheckable...we need to woo the VCs

  18. sebastian

    Well then multiply by 10 😛

  19. Licaon_Kter

    No, we are honest :)),

  20. sebastian

    But yeah... it's a downside of decentralization... not having user numbers. I'd be interested, too....

  21. sebastian

    "Downside" ... actually a harsh word 🤔

  22. Martin

    Or convince all operators to join the-federation.info

  23. Martin

    But active accounts on the server also doesn't mean users as users can have more than one account, bots, etc.

  24. sebastian

    How do you define active?

  25. Martin

    The-federation.info counts active users when logged in.

  26. Martin

    You could have a look at the prosody module. But forgot what's the name.

  27. tom

    I will not be joining the federation info or sharing usercounts

  28. tom

    that's how you know if someone is actually private and distributed

  29. tom

    if it's impossible to get an accurate count of users

  30. tom


  31. tom

    one other thing, in your list your also missing out on the non-IP networks with xmpp running over them

  32. tom

    like all the eppsites

  33. tom


  34. tom

    XMPP is very popular on I2P

  35. tom

    I think if you were able to publish an active user count, you'd attract a very unsavory kind of group that would not be beneficial to the nice decentralized community we have here

  36. tom

    think eternal September and the dotcom bubble all over again