XMPP Service Operators - 2020-11-12

  1. 404.city


  2. TMakarios

    404.city: test received.

  3. 404.city

    TMakarios, Thanks

  4. Arne


  5. Licaon_Kter

    Arne: yo

  6. Arne

    can anyone recommend me good blocklists for an firewall for the xmpp server

  7. Arne


  8. Arne

    I have several lists, but maybe there are some eyplicitly for xmpp

  9. Arne

    I have several lists, but maybe there are some explicitly for xmpp

  10. Martin


  11. Arne

    thanks Martin !

  12. Ge0rG

    Arne: there are some other lists if you google for the domains in the above list; those lists have more entries, but the JabberSPAM one is the only one with a proper due process of adding / removing domains

  13. Arne

    yes I know, I found some in searx

  14. arne

    But I just asked for recommendations. Because too many lists is maybe also not good

  15. tom more of those weird error messages from jabber.uk