XMPP Service Operators - 2020-11-19

  1. tom

    Is there a way to integrate SIP and XMPP?

  2. Licaon_Kter

    tom: in what way? Eg. Pade has Converse and a SIP plugin

  3. Licaon_Kter

    tom: both do signaling so there's no actual reason to mix them

  4. tom

    Is that a prosody module?

  5. Licaon_Kter

    tom: Openfire

  6. Licaon_Kter

    You need an extra SIP server too. Eg. ejabberd

  7. tom

    What does that do exactly?

  8. alacer

    tom: Well I have used ejabbers in past for both WebRTC and SIP based Voip and Text using xmpp.. So clients like Conversations use XMPP but WebRTC and I used the LinPhone ... LinePhone ppl could use SIP messaging and SIP calls.. Same server same domain no change..

  9. alacer

    but if you want SiP and XmPP or SIP <-->WebRTC then your need something else

  10. tom

    Does that allow you to chat with people using a web browser as a telehpone

  11. tom

    And you use an xmpp client or a siphone

  12. tom

    Hmm. Is there any way to integrate mumble with xmpp?

  13. alacer

    tom: Well I didn't used a web Browser but ejabberd Handles XmPP and SIP as seperate services.. so compatible clients in browser should work... I didn't as I used mainly Phone based Apps...

  14. alacer

    Why Mumble..

  15. tom

    Mumble is incredibly reliable and robust

  16. tom

    But it's text chat kinda sucks, and I'd like to link to to an xmpp muc

  17. tom

    Very few xmpp clients actually support jingle

  18. tom

    I'm not even sure if mine does, i've never had anyone else to test it with that their client also supports jingle

  19. tom

    Well i did but it didn't work, but that's been a while

  20. tom

    (yes i installed and setup mod_coturn)

  21. alacer

    But whats your plan on client side.. same client or diff

  22. tom

    I've talked with people over dialup and over tor using connecting to my mumble server and didn't even notice. That's how robust mumble is

  23. tom

    Xmpp for chats/file upload

  24. tom


  25. alacer

    Ok so Psi .+ & Mubmle clients..

  26. alacer

    but same Mumble backend

  27. alacer

    Well Cannot say anything did try.. no transports....but you can alternatively use ejabberd with Jitsi as server...

  28. alacer

    if you need multi party chat

  29. alacer

    it will be of advantage may be as 1:1 will be ejabberd with WebRTC/SIP and 1:May you can spinup and jitsit meeting...

  30. Licaon_Kter

    Audio only mode should be light

  31. alacer

    if you use mumble for gamong

  32. tom

    Does jtisi actually work?

  33. tom

    Like with xmpp

  34. tom

    I went to several jitsi website

  35. tom

    It told me it would refuse to serve me unless I came back with one of the monopoly browsers

  36. tom

    (google chrome or firefox)

  37. tom

    There was no xmpp s2s endpoint that i was aware of on the domain

  38. Licaon_Kter

    tom: > Does jtisi actually work? Yes > It told me it would refuse to serve me unless I came back with one of the monopoly browsers > (google chrome or firefox) That's your choice, we had this discussion before What is your browser exactly?

  39. Licaon_Kter

    > There was no xmpp s2s endpoint that i was aware of on the domain It's XMPP for some stuff, REST for others, no you don't use an xmpp client with it

  40. tom


  41. alacer

    tom: Jitsi has its own client as well.. if you have valid ssl cert and you have set it up in your domaim it will work... your user can create a meeting and disteibute the limk using xmpp

  42. alacer

    all can join in..

  43. alacer

    its not a big deal

  44. Licaon_Kter

    alacer: client means boxed Chrome...ahem Electron?

  45. alacer

    Licaon_Kter: They have electron... which take the memory size of a Full Nucleus... 😉

  46. alacer

    But Chrome is not a bad choice especially when one is gaming...

  47. alacer

    But they have android app as well ..

  48. alacer

    maintained by 8x8

  49. alacer


  50. Licaon_Kter

    alacer: i know lol https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/issues/6418#issuecomment-726063431

  51. Neustradamus

    Licaon_Kter: no comments about Jitsi team...

  52. Licaon_Kter

    It's not like you can comment on Github now, amirite? :)

  53. benharri

    !version hmm.st

  54. benharri

    is that bot in some other room? i thought it was here

  55. Licaon_Kter

    benharri: ejabberd, but sent it (Servant) a private message

  56. benharri

    ahh ok, thanks!