XMPP Service Operators - 2020-12-02

  1. 404.city

    Ge0rG, spammers stopped using TOR to create accounts. Spammers use unremarkable addresses of compromised computers.

  2. Ge0rG

    404.city: there are RBLs listing compromised computers. I've had good experience with dnsbl.dronebl.org

  3. 404.city

    It is noteworthy that spammers monitor the activity of administrators and try to create accounts when they think that the support service is offline

  4. Ge0rG

    I'm not looking at my server logs 24/7, but I check spam registrations eventually

  5. 404.city

    One of the users of this chat is a spammer

  6. 404.city

    Accounts are created sometime manually or sometime using a dictionary of nicknames. At the moment, the spammer creates accounts manually.

  7. 404.city

    I will forgive the spammer present in this chat to create accounts on other servers, and not waste my work time and his work time.

  8. Licaon_Kter

    404.city: umm how would you know?

  9. vanitasvitae


  10. e2e.ee

    Good morning. Happy day from El Retiro, Antioquia, Colombia. My name is Edward. I run e2e.ee XMPP server.

  11. e2e.ee


  12. Licaon_Kter

    e2e.ee: how much for a token?

  13. e2e.ee

    I am away from my desk right now.

  14. e2e.ee

    But, free if you want one.

  15. Ge0rG

    is e@e2e.ee already taken? :D

  16. e2e.ee


  17. e2e.ee

    You can see on the site

  18. e2e.ee

    Check availability

  19. Ge0rG

    just kidding, I've got my own five-letter xmpp domain already :)

  20. e2e.ee


  21. e2e.ee

    What's your domain?

  22. Ge0rG


  23. e2e.ee

    Ahhhh!!! You have an android app too, right?

  24. Ge0rG

    e2e.ee: yes, yaxim

  25. Licaon_Kter

    e2e.ee: when's e2eee THE APP coming?

  26. MattJ

    e2e.ee, welcome :)

  27. MattJ

    Nice site, well polished, and good choice of server software ;)

  28. e2e.ee

    A new "app" from e2e.ee in 2 weeks.

  29. e2e.ee

    It's in the testing phase right now.

  30. e2e.ee

    It is almost completed.

  31. e2e.ee


  32. e2e.ee


  33. e2e.ee

    I took the day off today, spend time with my wife. Relax a bit.

  34. e2e.ee

    @GeOrG... why is yax.im so low on compliance?

  35. e2e.ee


  36. e2e.ee

    Also.... Prosody trunk? You really like the latest build?

  37. e2e.ee

    Just curious.

  38. Ge0rG

    e2e.ee: that page should be called "Conversations Compliance Tester", not "XMPP Compliance Tester"

  39. e2e.ee


  40. Ge0rG

    e2e.ee: yax.im supports all the features needed by yaxim ;)

  41. e2e.ee


  42. Ge0rG

    e2e.ee: and I upgraded to prosody trunk because of a feature that I needed for the yaxim push service.

  43. e2e.ee

    I have started using Xabber, and it doesnt support mam:2

  44. Ge0rG

    e2e.ee: I don't have Socks5 because of traffic limitations and no STUN/TURN because I didn't set it up yet

  45. e2e.ee

    I have stun turn

  46. e2e.ee

    But never used it myself!!

  47. e2e.ee


  48. Licaon_Kter

    e2e.ee: > A new "app" from e2e.ee in 2 weeks. Wow, a new app? Nice, pics?

  49. e2e.ee

    I will announce it here first.

  50. e2e.ee

    It is completely different from anything else that I have seen.

  51. e2e.ee

    I am going to install yaxim and give it a try.