XMPP Service Operators - 2021-07-05

  1. 404.city

    Many administrators have high expectations for donations and low expectations against the complexities that can arise

  2. Licaon_Kter

    404.city: that's odd

  3. 404.city

    > the whole pix-art/blabber project seems to be run very unprofessionally I disagree that the blabber was a non-professional team. They had reasons to do what they did.

  4. mightyBroccoli

    > Many administrators have high expectations for donations and low expectations against the complexities that can arise Would you mind to elaborate what you mean by that?

  5. Licaon_Kter

    404.city: > I disagree that the blabber was a non-professional team. They had reasons to do what they did. ...that can't be shared here?

  6. croax

    So if professional and can't disclosed, means imminent life threatening. Well, operators better keep anonymity!

  7. croax

    So if professional and can't disclosed, means imminent life threatening or blackmail. Well, operators better keep anonymity!

  8. jonas’

    or, y’know, maybe just what they said. private reasons.

  9. jonas’

    maybe they got triplets and simply don’t have the time anymore to maintain the service

  10. croax

    jonas’: no time to create 3 more accounts? :-)

  11. jonas’

    I don’t have first hand experience, but *hear* that there might be more involved beyond provisioning XMPP accounts :)

  12. millesimus

    I'm quite fine with private reasons. What I find strange is that they announced the end in their support MUCs and on the website, but refused to send a message to all users. A large portion will have been hit by surprise.

  13. jonas’

    that indeed is quite odd and meh

  14. millesimus

    I'm quite fine with private reasons. What I find strange is that they announced the end in their support MUCs and on the website, but refused to send a message to all users. A large portion of users were (supposedly) hit by surprise.

  15. 4223 (private)

    millesimus: 👍

  16. alacer

    But they automated it through a bot in their support MUC.. Off course no one gives reasons in bot replies....

  17. kuba_

    automsg to all users is not automated?

  18. kuba_

    plus it'd be noticed by much more usrs

  19. kuba_

    plus it'd be noticed by much more users

  20. Ellenor Malik

    bit late

  21. xorman

    why not even a motd message it baffles me

  22. Martin

    > 05.07.21 19:34:03 - mdosch.de: Establishing a secure connection from mdosch.de to push.tigase.im failed. Certificate hash: a74beaa4026368f841ca051880a0706b59ae00ba344526680d28415ff37949bb. Error with certificate 0: certificate has expired. Wojtek ^

  23. jonas’

    "oh no"

  24. Martin

    Time to advertise observe.jabber.network?

  25. jonas’

    Martin, go ahead ;)

  26. Wojtek

    @Martin ``` wojtek@atlantiscity.local ~/dev $ openssl s_client -connect tigase.me:5269 -xmpphost push.tigase.im < /dev/null -starttls xmpp-server | openssl x509 -noout -dates depth=2 C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1 verify return:1 depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3 verify return:1 depth=0 CN = tigase.im verify return:1 DONE notBefore=Jun 27 22:49:58 2021 GMT notAfter=Sep 25 22:49:57 2021 GMT ```

  27. jonas’

    TIL -dates, nice

  28. jonas’


  29. Wojtek

    there was a hiccup when older certificate was loaded but it was already addressed...

  30. Martin


  31. Martin

    Wojtek: But… might I interest you in https://observe.jabber.network? :D

  32. Wojtek

    good idea, I'll send contact

  33. Wojtek

    good idea, I'll send the e-mail

  34. Martin

    Great. 😃

  35. MattJ

    o.j.n is the main reason the jabber.org cert won't be expired in a couple of hours