XMPP Service Operators - 2021-10-05

  1. Ellenor Bjornsd.

    nyan ;s;

  2. Ellenor Bjornsd.

    nyan ;-;

  3. sam

    I went with a server in Toronto.

  4. sam

    Its working well!

  5. rob

    Very cool

  6. rob

    Glad to hear

  7. zp1.net

    I love to hear that people like snikket. Its really great news. I love the concept : a cook a plate a fireplace

  8. arcseconds

    'a cook a plate a fireplace' sounds like it should be a well-known quote, but it is unknown to google...

  9. zp1.net

    arcseconds: i invented it in 2008 when i was in singapur. I calked it the malay ricecook peinciple :))

  10. zp1.net

    arcseconds: i invented it in 2008 when i was in singapur. I called it the malay ricecook peinciple :))

  11. zp1.net

    arcseconds: i invented it in 2008 when i was in singapur. I called it the malay ricecook principle :))

  12. zp1.net

    It refers to these very narrow streets with hundreds of rice cooks who cook their food there on the spot, in a very small space, each one has a pan and a burner, and they all cook the same rice.

  13. jonas’

    very narrow street .... like ... a ... snikket?!

  14. jonas’

    very narrow street .... like ... a ... snicket?!

  15. zp1.net

    Snikket? Or Snicket? :))

  16. zp1.net

    But I think 'a cook a plate a fireplace' could be a fun slogan for snikket :)

  17. alberto

    it has rythm

  18. Sam

    Office Hours about the new fiscal hosting stuff will be starting in ~5 minutes in case any operators are interested in using Open Collective to solicit donations: https://socialcoop.meet.coop/sam-pku-dud-niv