XMPP Service Operators - 2021-11-29

  1. Maranda

    @ping jabber.org

  2. Echo1

    Maranda: Pong from jabber.org in 0.030 seconds

  3. Maranda

    Licaon_Kter: for your joy I also fixed https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-bifrost/issues/53, now XMPP membership state is properly reflected in Matrix (although the cure could be worse than the sickness as Matrix side there's an overflood of state changes when bridging with large MUCs)... it's live on aria-net.org

  4. Licaon_Kter

    Maranda: saw your commits, yeah, I'm not using any bridges so...great I guess

  5. Sapotaceae

    Maranda: 🚀

  6. pur

    is server operator for jabber.ccc.de here? I'd like to talk to them.

  7. jonas’

    I don't think so

  8. jonas’

    pur, is there anything specific you're looking for?