XMPP Service Operators - 2022-01-11

  1. moparisthebest

    preferably use https://podman.io/ which lets you run docker containers *without* a daemon or socket as your user...

  2. flow

    +1 for podman

  3. qy


  4. mjk

    Licaon_Kter, junaid: re: rss to pubsub, there's https://modules.prosody.im/mod_pubsub_feeds.html but something extra would be needed to allow users to create feed nodes (via ad hoc commands, perhaps). Also, in theory, it shouldn't necessarilly be a server module, requiring one to host a whole server; a client can publish just fine, right?

  5. mjk

    And, TIL PubSubHubbub is now WebSub

  6. junaid

    mjk, yea the name change was a while back due to the w3c move i guess. PubSubHubbub would have been too cool of a name for any standard.

  7. mjk

    Cool and long