XMPP Service Operators - 2022-01-27

  1. stephenvk

    Hey guys, I'm trying to help a community migrate over from Discord to an XMPP server. Is there a good existing method for people to join several MUC's at once? We'll basically need to replicate the Discord UX of a "guild" (as Discord's "servers" are internally called) consisting of multiple rooms.

  2. MattJ

    Hey stephenvk, something like https://modules.prosody.im/mod_default_bookmarks.html

  3. MattJ

    Or even https://modules.prosody.im/mod_groups_muc_bookmarks.html which Snikket uses

  4. Licaon_Kter

    Or mod_default_rooms for ejabberd stephenvk https://github.com/processone/ejabberd-contrib

  5. Licaon_Kter

    MattJ: > Or even https://modules.prosody.im/mod_groups_muc_bookmarks.html which Snikket uses No documentation yet :( How is this different from the other one?

  6. MattJ

    The first one applies to all users on a host, and the list is specified through config. The second is per-group, and config is dynamic through the db.

  7. MattJ

    Limitation of the second is that it currently only supports one MUC per group, but that's something I want to fix

  8. Licaon_Kter


  9. millesimus

    So stephenvk would want their own xmpp server / vhost with some default groups and possibly Prosody with great invitations? And they would possibly want to exclude anyone not on their server from joining the MUCs.

  10. MattJ

    It needs a bunch of glue, but most of the pieces are there. Including that Discord theme for Converse.js - https://github.com/conversejs/converse.js/pull/1167

  11. MattJ

    Someone just needs to piece it together, make a docker container, a name and cute logo, and voila

  12. Licaon_Kter

    At least now it's a "server" :)

  13. MattJ


  14. stephenvk

    That mod_groups_muc_bookmarks solution looks really cool, thanks.

  15. stephenvk

    Wait, so basically a "group" is all the users who will automatically have a room added to their bookmarks?

  16. Licaon_Kter

    _a room full of grouped muc users_ :))

  17. mjk


  18. MattJ

    stephenvk, it's relatively new and doesn't have docs yet, but it's used as part of Snikket's "circles" implementation, which might give you an idea: https://snikket.org/service/help/features/circles/ (basically "circles" == "groups" in this context)

  19. MattJ

    (and so maybe "circle" == "group" == "guild", with some allowance for variation)

  20. Herman

    Is Digital Cloud hosting good with ejabbard XMPP?

  21. Herman

    I need help to decide

  22. rob

    i'm not familiar, what is Digital Cloud?