hello, anyone else finds it bad that some people propose to ICANN/RIPE to take russia off the Internet? is that even a debate in the XMPP ecosystem? i'm personally all against the russian colonial empire (as well as against the western colonial empire) but i find that crazy that Internet shutoff is considered by some a viable course of action (and Russia has been preparing for that for years)
just sayin, if SOME people start the debate around here, i'll be all for writing a detailed answer on how internet keeps us closer together across borders (at least when we're not on Facebook/VK ;))
This is one of those topics I don't see ending well, unfortunately
Given that it's speculative (i.e. I am not aware of any actual moves to take Russia offline) and you're just seeking opinions, I appreciate the heads-up (operators should be aware that it's a possibility) but I think discussion of "is it good or bad" I would rather happen elsewhere than here
MattJ, it's been a debate a demand at ICANN (no official position yet to my knowledge) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30509567 and at RIPE which officially stood neutral https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30513540
but if it's not a debate here, good! :)
It wouldn't be right for us to take innocent users offline because of actions by their country, as operators anyway
rob: we've covered this in Offtopic, the point is, you're no longer innocent when your leader does that in...your name. It's a pressure thing to get more and more people upset, not by dropping bombs but...
Licaon_Kter: ya that makes sense
So..., redirect to another MUC? Can we give a specific URL?