XMPP Service Operators - 2022-03-05

  1. Abbe

    Anyone here using Jackal XMPP server?

  2. Licaon_Kter

    Abbe: is that "production" ready?

  3. Licaon_Kter

    Oh, new release :)

  4. Abbe

    Not sure, i tried to install it sometime ago but it requires the etcd cluster setup, so not as lightweight as I thought a Go application would be.

  5. shobuz.nt


  6. shobuz.nt


  7. mjk

    shobuz.nt: it's not the Yaxim support room!

  8. Licaon_Kter

    shobuz.nt: please state your issue

  9. shobuz.nt


  10. moparisthebest

    Trashserver gone?

  11. Menel

    Not( anymore?)

  12. Licaon_Kter

    moparisthebest: works for me

  13. Menel

    I had to reconnect tho...

  14. moparisthebest

    Oh no... It's DNS isn't it? Thanks for confirming

  15. Licaon_Kter

    _It's always DNS_

  16. Holger

    They were moving (back to the original?) location.

  17. moparisthebest

    Ah, then it is DNS, self inflicted as I impose a minimum TTL on my end