XMPP Service Operators - 2022-04-20

  1. Licaon_Kter

    PSA: https://www.oracle.com/security-alerts/cpuapr2022.html#AppendixMSQL

  2. jonas’

    > This Critical Patch Update contains 43 new security patches for Oracle MySQL. 11 of these vulnerabilities may be remotely exploitable without authentication, i.e., may be exploited over a network without requiring user credentials.

  3. Licaon_Kter

    Dunno how the split went when Oracle bought it, I mean mysql from your favourite distro is ...this?

  4. TheCoffeMaker

    what abt mariadb?

  5. Licaon_Kter

    Not by Oracle, so don't worry...maybe...

  6. jonas’

    depends where the codebase split originally

  7. TheCoffeMaker

    We should stop using mysql/mariadb and use real databases like postgresql (?

  8. ij


  9. Ge0rG

    well, there are voices from the terabyte-scale-dbms fraction regarding mysql being the only reasonable choice

  10. TheCoffeMaker

    As for my experience postgresql is more than capable to handle big databases

  11. jonas’

    I've seen mysql tank on just a million records or so, and that was rectified by disabling a specific optimizer option which was enabled by default. That and a lot of other database lore has me firmly in the "it's all a matter of configuration" camp