XMPP Service Operators - 2022-12-18

  1. Licaon_Kter

    nuegia.net-2: > sarahlee please do not enforce OMEMO, it's experimental, alpha quality, and funding does not exist to make it a first class feature on most clients yet And they should use what then? XOR? ROT13? Caesars? OTRv3? Which one is established and not experimental? Which one is stable? Which one is currently funded? Funny enough, OMEMO has been funded in the last years from NLnet for Kaidan and Libervia at least.

  2. Licaon_Kter

    Funny enough OMEMO has been evolved to omemo:2, etc.

  3. nuegia.net-2

    OTR is easier and cheaper to implement and already is widely

  4. nuegia.net-2

    unfortunately, some clients have ripped it out of newer versions before OMEMO has been stablized, or even leaving it is as a fallback mode

  5. nuegia.net-2

    > Funny enough, OMEMO has been funded in the last years from NLnet for Kaidan and Libervia at least despite that my client does not have support for it and I get support tickets from users running other clients about how their messages dissapeared into the ether or is stuck on or other omemo related issue

  6. nuegia.net-2


  7. Licaon_Kter

    nuegia.net-2: otr is not fit, no multidevice, no groups, no offline. But you know all these, right?

  8. nuegia.net-2

    I've even been in group chats that were using omemo, only for a single non-omemo user to join in and suddenly their clients literally can't post anything

  9. Licaon_Kter

    nuegia.net-2: which client is that? What does it have that is BETTER?

  10. nuegia.net-2

    until they come on with a different client that doesn't support omemo and ask him to leave

  11. Trung

    nuegia.net, which client?

  12. Licaon_Kter

    nuegia.net-2: > I've even been in group chats that were using omemo, only for a single non-omemo user to join in and suddenly their clients literally can't post anything Why invite (because they can't join) an user that has no omemo?

  13. nuegia.net-2

    > otr is not fit, no multidevice, no groups, no offline. But you know all these, right? yeah I know, but it's more robust and reliable

  14. nuegia.net-2


  15. Licaon_Kter

    It's unusable then....

  16. nuegia.net-2

    Hey, I sense your getting defensive

  17. nuegia.net-2

    This isn't about one-upping someone or anything like that

  18. nuegia.net-2

    I'm merely talking about practical problems

  19. Trung

    rite. here's my recomendation: https://chat.trung.fun/tai-lieu/may-khach.en.html

  20. nuegia.net-2

    Licaon_Kter, what is unusable then?

  21. nuegia.net-2


  22. nuegia.net-2

    for the clients that removed omemo because SUPER WHIZBANG something encryption 2.0 came out

  23. nuegia.net-2

    OTR is still very popular for SMS

  24. nuegia.net-2

    and with jmp.chat's service, xmpp sms integration is re-becoming a thing

  25. msavoritias

    Sms is US specific. Nobody else bothert

  26. nuegia.net

    the US is a big place

  27. Trung

    this thing was updated last year: https://github.com/Vacuum-IM/vacuum-im

  28. msavoritias

    And if i cant send messages while the other person is offline then the server is useless. I might as well be using briar

  29. Trung

    much have happened since.

  30. nuegia.net

    If you update it, I will pull down and install your updates fixing the issue

  31. Trung

    official site say latest is v1.2.5 in 2015. Today is 2022-12-18. Move on man

  32. nuegia.net

    I'm running master

  33. nuegia.net

  34. Licaon_Kter

    nuegia.net-2: > Licaon_Kter, what is unusable then? Otrv3

  35. Licaon_Kter

    nuegia.net-2: > for the clients that removed omemo because SUPER WHIZBANG something encryption 2.0 came out Which one did that? > OTR is still very popular for SMS Which client?

  36. msavoritias

    > nuegia.net: > the US is a big place Its less than 5% of the world population. Doesnt make sense to hold on to better sms compatibility for one country

  37. nuegia.net

    I don't like sms any more than you do. I hate and and want to get rid of it

  38. nuegia.net

    but some people still use it

  39. Trung

    nuegia.net, sorry, OTR is too old, it's exists as legacy for me. All client I sent earlier has OMEMO and PGP works fine in every thing. If you can't move to them, it's your problem.

  40. nuegia.net


  41. nuegia.net

    watch out

  42. nuegia.net

    It's future-man over here

  43. Licaon_Kter

    So push them to xmpp, nuegia.net

  44. nuegia.net

    MaMaMaMaMaMaMAAAAAAMax Headroooooooooom

  45. Trung

    anyway, this is a operators room. all this is off-topic here.

  46. nuegia.net-2

    > So push them to xmpp, nuegia.net can't right now, there's other things going on in their life

  47. nuegia.net-2

    and they've got bussiness contacts who won't switch

  48. Licaon_Kter

    nuegia.net-2: there will always be stuff, but we're getting offtopic We can continue on xmpp:conversations-offtopic-reloaded@conference.trashserver.net?join ;)

  49. nuegia.net

    Licaon_Kter, are you asking me to?

  50. Licaon_Kter

    I'm not anything...as you see fit :)

  51. nuegia.net

    I don't understand

  52. Licaon_Kter

    Nevermind then

  53. Trung

    > I don't understand if your client has bug, go contact the developers of that particular client. This is the wrong place.

  54. moparisthebest

    nuegia.net: what makes you think OMEMO isn't stable or even less widely implemented than OTR

  55. Licaon_Kter

    moparisthebest: why restart this?

  56. moparisthebest


  57. Licaon_Kter

    moparisthebest: we're already piling onto them repeating the mantra, _"otr is bad, omemo 4 ever"_