I keep receiving presence subscriptions from JIDs with similar names (klassic, multiks, basik), from different servers with open registration. Lately it seemed like one server's administrator ignored a report, another one replied that it sounds like nonsense, and older JabberSPAM/blacklist PRs seem to be stuck. I wonder whether I may be interpreting such presence subscriptions wrong; is anybody familiar with those, are there any explanations other than to gather a list of JIDs to spam afterwards? And is it reasonable to submit blacklist PRs when those happen?
I would classify that as spam, but before they are put on a list, there more steps to it. https://github.com/JabberSPAM/blacklist#addition-to-blacklist Step No. 2. And I would also reach out again to the admin and ask if they need help or information how to stop spam. Assuming they don't let it happen intentionally
I see, thanks. Will do that, indeed.