XMPP Service Operators - 2023-04-16

  1. Martin

    > Establishing a secure connection from diebesban.de to nuegia.net failed. Certificate hash: 33053e5e7f4ee713d208bb963f24ac1c687f5b82b72921a007844211d9fe6dac. This certificate is invalid for nuegia.net.

  2. nuegia.net

    Martin, i recently removed nuegia.net from the certificate thinking xmpp.nuegia.net would be enough

  3. nuegia.net

    there's an SRV record

  4. nuegia.net

    pointing nuegia.net's xmpp server to xmpp.nuegia.net

  5. nuegia.net

    i originally set this up because some legacy software had a bug and required it

  6. nuegia.net

    is this still the case?

  7. nuegia.net

    what server software are you using?

  8. jonas’

    nuegia.net, your certificate must be valid for the XMPP domain, the SRV domain name is irrelevant(*) (unless DNSSEC is involved in all stages && the software supports this secure delegation, which you cannot rely on)

  9. jonas’

    nuegia.net, your certificate must be valid for the XMPP domain, the SRV domain name is irrelevant(*) (* unless DNSSEC is involved in all stages && the software supports this secure delegation, which you cannot rely on)

  10. jonas’

    (and by XMPP domain I mean the part behind the @ in the JIDs)

  11. nuegia.net

    so it's not like email

  12. jonas’


  13. nuegia.net

    that really sucks

  14. jonas’


  15. nuegia.net

    ok thanks

  16. jonas’

    it makes a lot of sense from a security perspective

  17. jonas’

    otherwise someone who can spoof the SRV record could take over your domain

  18. nuegia.net

    a dnssec validating resolver could solve that no?

  19. jonas’

    yes, as I said, if DNSSEC is involved in all stages and the initiating party supports that special case, it would work

  20. nuegia.net

    is there documentation on how I could set that up?

  21. nuegia.net

    it's really not ideal for me to use my root dns record to satisfy acme

  22. nuegia.net

    also Martin it should be fixed now

  23. jonas’

    you cannot really set that up

  24. jonas’

    all entities connecting to your server need to set that up, which you can generally not control

  25. jonas’

    hence it is moot

  26. Ellenor Bjornsd.

    maybe i should set up a fully dnssec alt root

  27. Martin

    > Martin, i recently removed nuegia.net from the certificate thinking xmpp.nuegia.net would be enough > > there's an SRV record > > pointing nuegia.net's xmpp server to xmpp.nuegia.net > > i originally set this up because some legacy software had a bug and required it What client requires the xmppd to run on a subdomain? 😳

  28. Licaon_Kter

    PSA > trashserver.net will be moved to another phsyical server. There is no action required by you, but note that the service will be interrupted in the upcoming hours.

  29. moparisthebest

    nuegia.net: XMPP is "not like email" in the sense that XMPP actually requires proper certificates and email does not

  30. moparisthebest

    Email has 1000 subprotocols to try to guess if a message was actually sent by the domain that claimed to have sent it, vs XMPP where that's guaranteed via certificates

  31. j.r (jugendhacker.de)

    moparisthebest: it depends, you could also configure your Mail servers to require proper certificates ;)

  32. moparisthebest

    j.r (jugendhacker.de): and not be able to email most of the network, sure :)

  33. agh

    > maybe i should set up a fully dnssec alt root OpenNIC was doing that at one point.

  34. hacker


  35. Trung


  36. hacker

    How i do use this app

  37. Trung

    😊 which app are you using ?

  38. hacker


  39. hacker

    This is a playstore app

  40. Trung

    cool. you are using it to chat in here yes

  41. hacker


  42. hacker

    How can I talk to him on whatsapp

  43. hacker

    Please give me some videos

  44. Trung

    do you have his XMPP address ?

  45. hacker


  46. Trung

    you will need the address of whoever it is you want to talk to. It look similar to email: user@domain.net

  47. Trung

    (↑ that's not a real address just an example)

  48. hacker

    So where do you get it

  49. Sox

    Anyone with experience both with metronome and prosody can say smth about ram usage?

  50. Trung

    hmmm i don't know …… ask him maybe? does he has an xmpp address yet?

  51. moparisthebest

    Sox: like what? My prosody uses 61mb of ram normally, about 10 users, one joined to probably 100 mucs

  52. Sox

    My metronome around 800mb about 20 users 2 active mucs

  53. Sox

    Using yunohost implementation

  54. moparisthebest

    Wildly guessing here but it probably has the terrible memory leak prosody fixed years ago, which Lua version?

  55. moparisthebest

    (5.2 and 5.3 are very very bad, 5.1 is ok, 5.4 is best)

  56. Sox

    I would need to check in a few hours

  57. Trung

    hacker, this room is for people operating XMPP server so it might confuse you reading stuff in here. You should join this one to get help using Conversations: xmpp:conversations@conference.siacs.eu?join