blastersklan.com: > x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-08-15T12:35:38+02:00 is after 2024-08-15T09:08:45Z
Hello ladies and gents and whoever else in here, due to the ridicue of living condition, my server - `trung.fun` and `*.trung.fun` won't have valid cert in a few hours. And, currently I have no way to fix or update it/them. Therefore, I announce my server(s) are not up-to-standard for XMPP usage. Probably till late September. However, HTTP hopefully will be fine till mid October. I am very embarass about this situation. Please pass this message on if you have problem connecting to any of my service(s).✎ -
Hello ladies and gents and whoever else in here, Due to the ridicue of living condition, my server - `trung.fun` and `*.trung.fun` won't have valid cert in a few hours. And, currently I have no way to fix or update it/them. Therefore, I announce my server(s) are not up-to-standard for XMPP usage. Probably till late September. However, HTTP hopefully will be fine till mid October. I am very embarassed about this whole situation. Please pass this message on if you have problem connecting to any of my service(s). With love & tears Trần H. Trung Yours truthless spammer ✏
Why don't you automate cert validation?
👆 1 -
You've never had automation break? Combined with being unable to access it remotely? Lucky :)