XMPP Service Operators - 2024-11-22

  1. yuki

    > yuki, if you're still interested: igniterealtime.org now has the latest IPv6 improvements. If you're interested in testing things, be my guest. Guus: i will come later

  2. muppeth [disroot.org]

    Hi there! I just got info from a user that we might be (or at least one of the MUCS) on rtbl? is there someone here who could check and give me some details if we are indeed on the list? thx.

  3. Kris

    I can't check the list directly, but I don't see any such entry in the backlog of the control channel.

  4. Kris

    Maybe they are just mistaking your Matrix bridge induced operational issues for a rtbl ban?

  5. Kris

    The other thing I could imagine is yhat they are on a ejabberd server that is effected by their certificate loading issue.

  6. Kris

    When using ejabberd with a sql database the ssl certs are not correctly loaded on a restart, and require another reload of the ejabberd service.

  7. Kris

    Disroot's prosody server is configured to be quite sensitive to s2s certificate issues, so that is usually the place where I notice first that I forgot to reload the certs.

  8. muppeth

    Kris, thanks for heads up. i thought it's weird we would endup on a list without prior heads up (dont want to sound elitist or anything but think people know where to find us if there is issues). Thanks for the additional info about ejabberd issue. that would explain some connectivity issues some people running ejabberd have.

  9. MattJ

    muppeth, whole servers are basically never added, and MUCs aren't added, only individual spammer accounts

  10. muppeth

    thanks for clarifying.