XMPP Summit - 2018-01-18

  1. intosi

    I shall procure nibbles for the lounge at FOSDEM again. Any requests?

  2. Guus

    thanks - none specifically.

  3. Guus

    I've put up a temp page that lists some ideas for 'swag' that we can bring to FOSDEM. I'd like more input on that: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMtBHfUd9hdnQKDypZ_9uxnkGR2PkcI3uIelx2Ive98/edit#gid=0

  4. soul

    Woo, super cool, how does this work, Guus ?

  5. Guus

    soul: you add ideas. provide comments. someone from scam might or might not implement the ideas. :)

  6. intosi

    Those post-its look fairly expensive to me. Have you considered comparing various suppliers (I appreciate it if you considered, but simply haven't had the time)

  7. Guus

    exactly that.

  8. intosi


  9. intosi

    I'll see whether I can find the time to shop around.

  10. Guus

    I've initially wrote down some ideas and did a quick price check with just one supplier, just to get a feel of the amount of money involved

  11. intosi

    Fair enough.

  12. Guus

    and I agree, that one is pretty steep.

  13. intosi

    Found one that'll do 100x75 own-brand sticky notes on yellow paper with one colour for 185 ex., or 187,50 for full colour on white paper.

  14. intosi

    At 50 pages per block. 25 is cheaper even.

  15. Guus

    cool - could you replace my comment with the cheapest one then :)

  16. Guus

    (it's still a lot of money for some swag though - but let's see what budget we have to play with)

  17. intosi


  18. intosi

    Ah, we missed the window for this one. They need 2-3 weeks.

  19. SouL

    Are all those products ordered in Brussels? Because I'm guessing it's too much stuff to carry around.

  20. Guus

    A van is available, but I'm unsure where it departs from. Intosi?

  21. Guus

    (at best, we might be able to bring stuff from closeby)

  22. intosi


  23. intosi

    * almost

  24. Guus

    As I'll attend for the full 4 days, I'll probably bring a suitcase, in which I can carry some stuff too.

  25. SouL

    No XMPP stickers in the 'Swag' list?

  26. Guus

    top one

  27. SouL

    Didn't know that they werer called Die-cast, sorry :D

  28. Guus

    neither did I, I just parrotted whatever StickerMule calls them

  29. Guus

    or what I think I remember they called them :D)

  30. SouL


  31. SouL

    Can I ask Guus what is 'Server info folder'? Are they actual folders or...?

  32. SouL

    Ah, wait, are they like flyers?

  33. Guus

    yeah, the greenish flyers that Arc created last year

  34. Guus

    I still have a bunch of those

  35. Guus

    (shouldn't stop you from creating more / others)