XMPP Summit - 2019-01-17

  1. goffi

    Will we have a chance do to mini talks (~ 5 min or less) at the summit to present some stuff to the audience ? I'm thinking about tools, or the way we use XMPP (I remember we have already done that in the past). If yes, should we write topics somewhere on the wiki ?

  2. Guus

    goffi I'd love to see stuff!

  3. Guus

    do you have something specific in mind (do you want to show us anything?)

  4. Guus

    if so, add it to the wiki so we don't forget

  5. goffi

    well there are 2 things I would like to show: we have a powerfull command line tool that could be really useful to developers, to investigate/manipulate pubsub for instance (I'm thinking about doing a web version someday, something like PHPMyAdmin for XMPP). The second thing I would like to show (quickly, I'll do actually a talk at Fosdem on this topic), is how we use pubsub for features like tickets or merge-requests, and a XMPP based web framework. I can make a quick overview/explain the idea in ~ 5 min I think.

  6. goffi

    That would be the occasion to explain why I came to Order-By XEP, or why filtering Pubsub (through MAM at the moment) is important.

  7. Guus

    go for it!

  8. goffi


  9. Kev

    I'm keen on having a show and tell session, and 5 minutes is the perfect length.

  10. Kev

    Shall we set aside some time for that at say 11:00 on the second day for an hour? See how many show and tells we can get?

  11. Kev


  12. ralphm


  13. ralphm

    I'm also happy for you to make choices on the agenda by yourself.

  14. Guus

    Unless the show and tell is going to show something that is later to be discussed in another session, scheduling it as a break in a low energy timeslot sounds good.

  15. Guus

    I have no strong opinion.

  16. Guus

    Also, what he said.

  17. Guus


  18. pep.

    Any idea what time the summit finishes on friday? And if there's anything planned afterwards?

  19. Guus

    pep. On Thursday, we'll have dinner. On Friday, we have nothing officially planned.

  20. pep.

    What does the agenda says for now, timing-wise?

  21. Guus


  22. pep.

    I might go to something before delirium

  23. Guus

    well, start at 10.

  24. pep.

    so I was wondering

  25. Guus

    but no end time. That's typically around five-ish. On Friday, we ask people to help load the van to get stuff to FOSDEM, but that doesn't take to long.

  26. pep.


  27. jjrh

    Do folks have any recommendations for a data sim card?

  28. pep.

    If you are from the EU, roaming should be free? (or is this still a distant dream, even if the law has passed?)

  29. jjrh

    Nah coming from Canada

  30. jjrh

    so i'll have to pick up one when I land

  31. pep.

    Otherwise you might want to look at "Free" in France, or maybe Sosh (branch of Orange or sth), they provide cheap-ish contracts. You might need an EU/FR address, not entirely sure :/. I don't know for belgium itself, they might have similar plans

  32. jjrh

    thanks - orange looks reasonably cheap

  33. alameyo

    pep.: sometimes telecom companies make it "roaming is free like at home, but only up to 2 GB" so this is still a bit distant dream

  34. vanitasvitae

    alameyo: is this allowed? Sounds like they just go "roaming is totally free, except that its not" :D

  35. alameyo

    that was for me when I last time went abroad

  36. alameyo

    at home I think I had 50 GB a month and on trip I had to live with my 2 or 3 GB

  37. alameyo

    later still free roaming but network slows down to some really low numbers

  38. pep.

    alameyo, Free allows for 50GB on 4G but about significantly less on 3G

  39. pep.

    Maybe that's related

  40. alameyo

    reasoning for that when law was introduced was if you pay for your abonament in country 1 and go to country 2 company from country 1 have to pay to company in country 2 for using their telecom infrastructure

  41. alameyo

    and appereantly here costs of using teleco infrastructure are lower

  42. Guus

    jjrh I quickly pinged a Belgian person. He thinks you can pick up these simcards in most regular supermarkets (but is unsure)

  43. jjrh

    Thanks Guus good to know I don't need to track down a orange store or suck up the airport markup for a sim there.

  44. Guus

    jjrh, you are required to identify yourself. Text in Dutch: http://www.agii.be/nieuws/verplichte-identificatie-van-gebruikers-van-prepaid-kaarten-voor-mobiele-communicatie

  45. jjrh

    ouf that's a pain

  46. oli

    because of all the terrorists

  47. oli

    it's all for our security and safety

  48. Guus

    Yeah. I'm thinking of building a wall.

  49. Zash

    Walls are nice