XMPP Summit - 2024-11-04

  1. hook

    debacle, depending on where you are going from, may I interest you in joining our HackerTrain πŸ˜‰ https://forum.na-prostem.si/t/hackertrain-to-fosdem-2025-slovensko-english/138/

  2. hook

    (sorry for the spam, I hope it’s on topic enough)

  3. debacle

    hook Thanks! That sounds absolutely great, *but* 1. European Sleeper goes Tuesday and Thursday to Bruxelles, so that I would arrive a day too early or too late to the summit. 2. ES goes Monday back to Berlin, one day too late β€” I cannot afford so much extra time. 3. They idea came a little bit too late: My colleague and myself already have train tickets for Wednesday and Monday during the day.

    ❀️ 1
  4. hook

    If it goes well, we'll try to organise it next year too. But maybe the Venice route.

    πŸš† 1