XMPP Summit - 2025-01-27

  1. nicoco

    I'm on the night train from Nice to Paris, getting closer to Brussels! 🍺️

    🥳 4
  2. eevvoor

    Good journey nicoco

    🙏️ 1
  3. Kris

    first xmpp summit?

  4. nicoco

    yes! Kris, are you coming? I don't see who you are in the wiki page?

  5. Kris

    no, I am not. just wondering

  6. Kris

    well have fun there and on FOSDEM

  7. nicoco

    haha, you're just in every public MUC that exist 😆️

    🤣 1
  8. Kris

    this one I actually just joined very recently because I hoped there would be some news on MLS

  9. Kris

    like when discussing the summit schedule

  10. Kris

    but it seems I'll just have to wait and see

  11. nicoco

    Schedule? What's next, gantt chart or something?

  12. Kris

    they didn't tell you to prepare for an agile standup during the summit?

    😂️ 1🤬️ 1
  13. opinionplatform.org 3

    > this one I actually just joined very recently because I hoped there would be some news on MLS Maybe if not already join xmpp:xsf@muc.xmpp.org?join where there was some discussion.

  14. Kris

    ah, I try to avoid that channel. not my cup of tea

  15. opinionplatform.org 3

    Also "modern xmpp..." muc had some hits for MLS, but already present.

  16. opinionplatform.org 3

    Jdev too

  17. Kris

    the modern-xmpp one was mainly me mentioning it and asking around

  18. Kris

    anyways, no big deal. we will learn more about it sooner or later

  19. mathieui

    Kris: schedule is usually planned by a vote on topics at the beginning of summit by the people present

  20. Kris

    yes I learned that when I asked. I though people joining submitted some topics or so.

  21. Kris

    but it all fine, I was just being ignorant of how it works

  22. Daniel

    > I though people joining submitted some topics or so. i mean that’s exactly how it is.