XMPP Summit - 2025-01-29

  1. emus

    > The hike was nice, if you enjoy walking next to a highway. ❗

  2. edwinm

    A friendly reminder that if you haven't filled in the dinner form yet and you wish to go, please do so by CoB (17:00 UTC) today.

  3. Daniel

    And remember your choices. You'll get an email with the responses but do store that or screenshot that

    😄️ 1
  4. Kev

    Too early to have walked to the station, but at least I’m starting the trip correctly. With bacon.

  5. edwinm


  6. edwinm

    Have a safe journey.

  7. Link Mauve

    I’m arriving at Brussels Zuid at half past three CET, anyone fancy meeting afterwards?

  8. Guus

    I've not even departed yet! On Mastodon, Andrzej wrote that he already arrived in Brussels, maybe he's up for meeting up?

  9. MattJ

    I always forget stuff, so I wrote a packing list with over 40 items I needed to bring, from my passport to my phone charger

  10. MattJ

    Got to the station a few minutes before the train departed, and realised my laptop was on my desk at home

  11. Guus

    If we ever do a DNA analysis, it will show that we're somehow related.

  12. Guus

    Did you go back to get it?

  13. Intosi


  14. Daniel

    Holy shit you need to bring 40 items to the summit? Now I'm wondering what I might have forgotten

  15. MattJ

    Yeah, I had to make a rapid decision (another thing I'm not good at), I went back and I've managed to amend the Eurostar booking so I can still make it

  16. MattJ

    Daniel: my list is very granular, I have "wallet" and "bank card" as separate items, etc.

  17. MattJ

    There was the year I remembered my laptop but forgot the charger

  18. Guus

    Was 'laptop' on the list?

  19. MattJ

    It was, but it was the last thing and I didn't study the list before leaving the house

  20. MattJ

    Maybe next year I'll print the list and pin it to the door

  21. Holger

    > Holy shit you need to bring 40 items to the summit? Sock 1, sock 2, sock 3, sock 4, …

  22. MattJ

    Pretty much 😅

  23. Guus

    I'm kind of anticipating a "I forgot to look at the door" remark to drop somewhere around this time next year...

  24. Guus

    But as I've not departed yet and are exteremely likely to forget stuff myself, I shouldn't be to verbal here... :)

  25. MattJ


  26. goffi

    Hey, I've missed a connection due to a delayed train and will arrive in Brussels only tomorrow at 9:35. I'll probably won't make to the summit before 11:00 if I go to my hotel first.

  27. Link Mauve

    Oh speaking of forgetting stuff and hotels, I still don’t know where I’ll sleep tonight. >_<

  28. Link Mauve

    I always forget something too, and usually that…

  29. Kev

    Usually the thing I forget is adaptors. First year in a while I’ve not had to buy them at St Pancras.

  30. mathieui

    For once I have taken a 3m usb-c cable, to avoid having to fight for a spot at the plug near me if needed

  31. deuill

    Taking the 13:01 train from London -- see y'all in Brussels! I'll likely take my stuff to the AirBnB before going out again.

  32. Intosi

    > Daniel: my list is very granular, I have "wallet" and "bank card" as separate items, etc. Does that list include "Jabber hat"? ;-)

    💡 1
  33. Intosi

    We have 16 responses to the dinner invitation. If you want to come to the dinner, but haven't signed up yet, please do so before 17:00 UTC / 18:00 CET.

  34. nicoco

    Wait, we have to bring things? Nobody told me that!

  35. Intosi

    Mostly yourself. Some clean clothes and perhaps a toothbrush are appreciated as well, but you could obviously source these things locally.

  36. Zash

    IIRC my first summit I managed by just bringing a computer and what clothes I could fit in the computer bag. Plenty of swag t-shirts are available at FOSDEM ;)

  37. deuill

    Yeah but last time I did that I got arrested for not wearing pants

    😆️ 1
  38. Guus

    If that's your strategy, ensure to bring enough bags to take all that stuff back home. Also, reserve room for chocolate (this is Brussels, after all).

  39. Intosi

    Guus, I'm sure you will be able to find swag bags as well.

  40. Guus


  41. nicoco

    Link Mauve, my train arrives in Brussels a little before 18.00, happy to meet! Also, I think you can fit in our (deuill and I) airbnb.

  42. Kev

    > We have 16 responses to the dinner invitation. If you want to come to the dinner, but haven't signed up yet, please do so before 17:00 UTC / 18:00 CET. I assume both of ours came through and it didn't confuse it for me to send twice?

  43. Intosi

    Both came through, thanks.

  44. Kev


  45. Kev

    I don't think SWMBO has come to an XSF dinner since 2008.

  46. Intosi

    It's an honour.

  47. Daniel

    Before I forget: I brought I huge box of stickers and other xmpp related swag (buttons) for the fosdem booth that I need to hand of to someone in the next three days

  48. Daniel

    (I'm not going to fosdem this year)

  49. Intosi

    Ping me tomorrow if I forget to ask you about this.

  50. Kev

    And the Eurostar leaves the station.

    🚄️ 1
  51. Intosi


  52. Kev

    Do we have a start time for the morning?

  53. Intosi

    The schedule on the wiki suggests 9:00 room open, 9:30 summit starts.

  54. Kev

    I ask because the wiki hasn't always represented boots on the ground :)

  55. Kev

    But if that's the plan, I'm happy.

  56. Daniel

    As the person who created that schedule I think it's more aspirational than reflecting realty. We had the same schedule last year and IIRC people slowly started to come in after 9:30 for a start well after 10.

  57. Daniel

    But one can hope. I sure would like to get the most out of our time.

  58. goffi

    I would be pretty happy with a start at 10, then I could come directly from the train station and not miss anything.

  59. Intosi

    Interestingly, I have people who signed up for the dinner who are not attending the summit (according to https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Conferences/Summit_26 ), and people who indicated that they'd like to attend the dinner and who haven't sent their menu choices yet.

  60. goffi

    How much time do we have between end of first day and taxi to the dinner?

  61. goffi

    It's 1h more or less right?

  62. Daniel

    from past experience yes

  63. goffi

    Ok. So I'll come directly to summit and go to my hotel during this hiatus.

  64. MatthewFennell

    > Interestingly, I have people who signed up for the dinner who are not attending the summit (according to https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Conferences/Summit_26 ), and people who indicated that they'd like to attend the dinner and who haven't sent their menu choices yet. Sanity check - the link you gave is summit 26 😀

  65. MatthewFennell

    This is the link for this year's summit: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Conferences/Summit_27

  66. Intosi

    Fair enough.

  67. Intosi

    That explains my bookkeeping.

  68. Intosi


  69. Guus

    My train is scheduled to arrive at 9:13. Barring delays, a 10:00 start is doable for me, but 9:30 probably isn't.

  70. Intosi

    Still a few missing who said they'd like to attend the dinner, but have't filled in the form.

  71. Kev

    Do you care about me updating the wiki?

  72. Intosi

    Makes sense to me.

  73. Kev

    I was hoping you'd say 'no, no point'. I'll see if I have enough data.

  74. Kev


  75. Intosi

    Considering we copy these things around, if we fix it now, we fix it for years to come as well ;).

  76. Kev

    We copy people's attendance at dinner?

  77. Intosi

    Ah no. Sorry, I thought you meant the starting time.

  78. Andrzej

    nicoco, Link Mauve, I’m also in Brussels already. I would be nice to meet. Any time after 16:30 would work for me

  79. nicoco

    Andrzej, cool! I don't know Brussels at all and it looks like I'm the last one to arrive there, so tell me where I should go and hopefully I'll find my way to where you guys are.

  80. Link Mauve

    nicoco, that would be great!

  81. Link Mauve

    Andrzej, where are you atm? I just managed to find working wifi at the Zuid station for the first time in many years. :D

  82. deuill

    I'll be at the AirBnB at around 16:45 to leave my stuff -- Link Mauve you OK staying there? Wanna leave any stuff before heading out?

  83. Andrzej

    I’m at the hotel (Thon)

  84. Link Mauve

    I only have my bag, I travel light. :)

  85. deuill

    Alrighty. I'm due to arrive at Midi at around 16:10 so we can either meet up before or after

  86. Link Mauve

    I’m still there so I can fetch you at the arrival of your train!

  87. deuill

    Alright, I'll DM you

  88. Kev

    I’m probably on the same train.

  89. Kev

    (But don’t need meeting :) )

  90. Kev

    Metro Midi to Thon(2/6) is apparently not running properly at the moment. So that’s nice. :)

  91. Intosi

    Some for some healthy exercise?

  92. Guus

    or a cab.

  93. Zash

    How much snow do you have?

  94. Guus

    Not enough for skiing, if that's what you're getting at.

  95. Kev

    Safely ensconced in the Thon.

  96. Intosi

    Happy to hear.

  97. mathieui

    I haven't even left yet and my train is already late

  98. nicoco

    > Some for some healthy exercise? Not sure if serious but I did take some of my running gear, I fear the weather and/or beers might take my motivation away though.

  99. deuill

    Anyone want to meet up for beer/tea/bourbon? Our AirBnB is close enough to Thon so something around there would work

  100. Alex

    Just arrived at Thon. Let me know when someone is up for some dinner

  101. Kev

    Cath and I are having dinner just the two of us tonight, sorry Alex.

  102. deuill

    We're thinking of heading out near Bourse for some drinks? We're following Link Mauve!

  103. deuill

    Will send a location when we land somewhere!

  104. Andrzej

    I had dinner already, but I would be up for a drink…

  105. Alex

    I think I will try the irish Pub which is close by the Hotel

  106. Alex

    will be in the lobby in 5 minutes when you want to join

  107. goffi

    Kev, MattJ : I believe that you were talking about a new draft for Spaces, is there some document we can look at before summit?

  108. Kev

    I'm afraid not. Lots of it 'just falls out' from doing a combination of GC3 and the related-entities protoxep.

  109. MatthewFennell

    I'm sorry, I'm not able to attend the sprint anymore. I was due to take the last Eurostar of the day, but I missed it

  110. MatthewFennell

    Intosi, I filled in a dinner order, which I was going to self-fund. Message me privately and I can transfer you the 80 EUR

  111. Kev

    No scope to reschedule to one tomorrow morning?

  112. Kev

    > I'm afraid not. Lots of it 'just falls out' from doing a combination of GC3 and the related-entities protoxep. Related entities being https://github.com/swift/protoxeps/blob/master/related-entities.md

  113. Daniel

    I'm at the Thon bar with Holger if anyone wants to join us

  114. Alex

    We are joining you guys soon

    👍 1
  115. nicoco

    Deuill, Link and I are Rue de la Violette, 22, bar is called "goupil le fol". Join us!

  116. intosi

    Ralph and I have arrived and are heading down to the bar.

  117. debacle

    > I'm at the Thon bar with Holger if anyone wants to join us We will not arrive before 22 @ midi and will probably go to our hotel (Chambord) to sleep. No Thon tonight.

  118. mathieui

    Side note: the mastodon account said everyone is welcome physically or remote to summit, but I believe we have a somewhat fixed roster for the conference room (everyone who registered in advance being of course welcome)

  119. MatthewFennell

    > No scope to reschedule to one tomorrow morning? It's a good point, I didn't think in my panic 🙂

  120. MatthewFennell

    I'll aim to arrive tomorrow

  121. Kev

    > Side note: the mastodon account said everyone is welcome physically or remote to summit, but I believe we have a somewhat fixed roster for the conference room (everyone who registered in advance being of course welcome) I think everyone was welcome, but the deadline for registration was some time (weeks?) ago, so I guess this was an old post or such.

  122. lissine

    The post is from an hour ago

  123. Kev

    Oh. I wonder who did that, something’s gone a bit wrong there, I think.

  124. Daniel

    _technically_ we still have a few spots left. But yes in general I believe we would prefer people to register beforehand

  125. MatthewFennell

    > I'll aim to arrive tomorrow I'm sorry, I won't come after all - to be honest I'm in not in the right mental state. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.