XMPP Summit - 2025-02-02

  1. ralphm

    I'm late today. At breakfast at Thon EU now, then pack and bus to ULB

  2. Guus

    I'm later today. At breakfast now. 😇

  3. Guus

    Should I bring more of the die-cast xmpp logo stickers or do we have plenty at the booth?

  4. ralphm

    We should have plenty when I get to the van

  5. ralphm

    Going to check out of the hotel right now

  6. MattJ

    Guus: not sure, there aren't any on the booth right now

  7. MattJ

    Er, many

  8. ralphm

    I'm on my way, should be there around 10:30

  9. mathieui

    ralphm: good thing some flyers and stickers are already there

  10. goffi

    I'm leaving soon. Should be there short before 11:00

  11. mathieui

    My headphone plug does not fit into the designated hole in the cardigan pocket and I am now sad

  12. ralphm

    Hm. Mine has an angled plug and that doesn't work either. Probably a straight one would. I do have a short extender for this at home.

  13. Guus

    FOSDEM just told us that we should be starting to clean up the stand in half an hour.

  14. neshtaxmpp


  15. ralphm


  16. ralphm

    ^ pizza place

  17. ralphm

    Who's still at Thon tonight?

  18. ralphm

    I forgot something, most likely

  19. ralphm

    Guus? dwd?

  20. MattJ

    Yes, we're here

  21. Link Mauve

    I’ve found a TCP/IP stack written in z80 assembly! The XMPP client for GameBoy is happening folks! :D

    👍 1👀 1
  22. mathieui

    Do you have the XML parser yet?

  23. lissine

    Do you have a keyboard for the GameBoy?

  24. deuill

    > I’ve found a TCP/IP stack written in z80 assembly! The XMPP client for GameBoy is happening folks! :D Hahahhahahaha

  25. deuill

    It will definitely help with XMPP adoption!

  26. mathieui

    The year of XMPP on mobile devices*! * type of device not specified

  27. Martijn

    > Do you have a keyboard for the GameBoy? Do you need more letters than A and B?

  28. lissine

    Now that I think about it, you don't

  29. Guus

    ralphm: a search is underway

    💪 1
  30. ralphm


    😎 1
  31. Guus


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