XSF Discussion - 2010-11-24

  1. Nÿco

    Board meeting in a little more than 2 hours

  2. Nÿco


  3. Nÿco


  4. Steffen Larsen

    is there a board meeting here on this muc at 17:00 UTC?

  5. Nÿco


  6. Steffen Larsen


  7. Steffen Larsen

    we are having a tech-review meeting at 18:00 UTC. Is that ok?

  8. Steffen Larsen

    or should we use another muc?

  9. Nÿco

    ah ok, we will need to make it short anyway, Will will only be able to attend 30 minutes

  10. Nÿco

    no, this MUC is ok ;-)

  11. Steffen Larsen

    ha ha ok

  12. Steffen Larsen

    later, cheers

  13. bear

    hmm, can't remember if there is a team-infra muc room

  14. Tobias

    there is, hidden in the woods ;)

  15. bear


  16. bear

    his wp table update didn't wor

  17. petermount

    techreview@muc.xmpp.org - still got it configured in pidgin...

  18. Tobias


  19. bear bangs the gavel to see who is awake

  20. Will


  21. bear

    looks like Florian is not present

  22. jack

    i'm here

  23. Will

    just pinged florian

  24. Florian

    yhello :)

  25. Florian

    S2S is a bit slow :)

  26. bear

    looks like we are all here - and we have 28 minutes till Will has to leave

  27. Will


  28. bear

    anyone running it or should we just go

  29. Florian

    let's go :)

  30. Florian

    FOSDEM :)

  31. bear

    what items are outstanding for FOSDEM for us?

  32. Will

    ok, fosdem. we have a room, are we looking for presenters?

  33. jack

    we have a dev room, so we probably need to get a wiki page set up and start recruiting presentations

  34. Will

    great minds....

  35. jack

    last year we did shorter (30m) presentations, and i think that format was great

  36. Florian


  37. jack

    if we can get someone to bring some AV gear this year, that would help a lot. i was only able to record a single session last year

  38. bear

    who is point person for that? i.e. who do I poke to get wiki and notices out for call-for-presenter?

  39. Will

    so let's set up the wiki page, blog etc.

  40. Florian

    what kind of AV gear is required?

  41. Florian

    Flip Cam?

  42. jack

    something that can record approximately 4-5 hours of video

  43. Will

    bear: I can set up the wiki page, do the blog post etc.

  44. jack

    and has reasonable audio quality

  45. Will

    als I need to start looking at t-shirts etc

  46. Will


  47. Florian

    there's still about 150 shirts left from last year

  48. Will

    i think last year's shirts are not saleable

  49. Florian


  50. Will

    or we could do a "buy 1 get 1 free" offer with new (black) shirts

  51. Florian

    yeh :)

  52. bear


  53. Florian

    or buy 2 and get 1 free :)

  54. bear

    simpler to just give them away I think

  55. Will

    we can decide closer to time

  56. bear

    Do we have detailed info on the site/location for wiki page?

  57. bear

    ok, tabling shirt issue

  58. Will

    same as every other year i think

  59. Florian

    for the talks, yeh

  60. Florian

    ULB Campus Solbosch

  61. Will

    the summit is in cisco's location?

  62. Florian

    and for the Summit

  63. Florian

    Cisco in Diegem

  64. Will


  65. jack


  66. jack

    for example

  67. bear

    yea, it was the cisco change I was thinking about

  68. jack

    tere used to be an xmpp.org/xsf/summit9.shtml i think too

  69. Florian


  70. jack


  71. jack

    there we go

  72. Florian


  73. Florian

    I can maintain that again if that's ok :)

  74. jack

    so theo nly other big logistical thing is to figure out the dinner and the hack day

  75. Florian

    Hack-Day ... Friday @ Cisco?

  76. bear

    we should clear that with peter

  77. Florian

    and Dinner ... I'm going to try to find another nice restaurant in Brussels when I'm there in December

  78. jack

    ah that's right. no need to pay for hotel conference room this year

  79. Florian


  80. jack

    so sounds like florian will et that page set up and such.

  81. Florian


  82. bear

    ok, let's review these todo items next meeting - should have all wiki pages done by then - ready for next item?

  83. jack


  84. Will


  85. Florian

    Wiki and XMPP.org page done by next meeting

  86. bear

    roadmap update

  87. bear goes to look for last weeks minutes

  88. bear

    anyone have anything for this?

  89. Will

    not me

  90. Florian


  91. bear

    ok, sounds like I need to update the agenda *before* the meeting :/ - I'll have that done before next

  92. bear

    ok, moving on

  93. bear

    GSoC - isn't this done and over?

  94. Florian

    GSoC ... how come that's still on the agenda?

  95. Will


  96. Florian

    it's about to start snowing here tomorrow

  97. Florian

    aah :)

  98. bear

    ok, GSoC done

  99. Florian

    Money stuff sorted ?

  100. jack

    as for elections, peter suggested we do what we did last year and wait until the first 2011 board meeting to appoint/vote on various positions

  101. jack

    but he also said he's up for another year of ED duty

  102. bear

    I have to pester peter to see what money has arrived

  103. Will

    + past sponsors

  104. bear

    he emailed me that he is working on the sponsor list

  105. Will


  106. Florian


  107. Nÿco

    hi, sorry

  108. bear

    what election items need to be resolved (if any) ?

  109. Will

    bear: don't know.

  110. Nÿco catching up

  111. bear

    or rather - who are we nominating for the various positions - to give folks time to chew on it

  112. bear

    ED = peter

  113. Will

    wasn't this in the last meeting? we re-nominated everyone existing

  114. Florian


  115. bear

    that's what I hought also

  116. bear

    the only real change was for Chair

  117. jack

    well if that's all settled, then no big deal :)

  118. Florian

    cool ... next item?

  119. bear

    mini summits according to the posted agenda

  120. Will

    is mini summits a leftover item from the last meeting?

  121. bear


  122. Florian

    It seems to pop up again and again ...

  123. bear

    ok, next agenda item: whack bear until he remembers that he needs to setup agenda

  124. Florian

    from my end .. look into doing one in spring in the UK

  125. Will

    florian: you should announce intention on blog and email lists. see who steps forward with interest

  126. Florian

    yeh, was planning to do that around / just after FOSDEM

  127. Florian

    I'd say ... delay mini summits until we're done with the Summit #10

  128. Will

    we might want to consider having a push on mini-summits at fosdem. we still have the tabe/stand to advertise such stuff?

  129. bear

    add that to the discussion list for FOSDEM

  130. Will


  131. bear

    anything to add to next meetings agenda?

  132. Florian

    Summit / FOSDEM progress

  133. Will

    how about the calendar feed :-)

  134. Florian

    and yes, Calendar!

  135. bear


  136. Will

    I was so disappointed nobody turned up for our meeting on saturday ;-)

  137. Florian


  138. bear preps the gavel

  139. Will

    quick site update:

  140. Will

    tables now work, cal plugin still doesn't - later will be fixed by next mtg

  141. Will

    thats it - i'm done

  142. Florian


  143. bear

    yes, I've processed the backlog of table updates

  144. bear

    anyone else?

  145. Florian

    I'm good :)

  146. bear

    jack, Nyco/

  147. bear


  148. Florian


  149. Florian

    one thing maybe

  150. Florian

    maybe have a think about awesome demos for the stand at FOSDEM

  151. bear

    add that to your blog post :)

  152. Will

    florian: i'll add to relevant pages

  153. Will


  154. Nÿco

    ok for me

  155. Florian


  156. jack

    nothing from me

  157. bear

    and with that...

  158. bear bangs the gavel to close the meeting

  159. bear

    thanks all

  160. Nÿco

    PLEASE NOTE: next meeting 2010-12-08 17:00 aka 5:00pm GMT/UTC

  161. Nÿco

    thanks bear, thanks all

  162. Will

    thanks for accommodating my time pressures - see you in 2 weeks.

  163. bear

    who will post minutes to blog?

  164. Nÿco

    to blog?

  165. Nÿco

    to member list rather?

  166. Florian


  167. Will

    yes, we should blog the miinutes

  168. bear


  169. Florian

    ok :)

  170. Nÿco

    it may not be that interesting...

  171. Will

    actually i think bear's onto something there.

  172. bear

    to memer ist with a blog entry pointing to it

  173. bear

    wow - swift is dropping characters

  174. bear

    k, i'll write up the minutes summary and post to list

  175. bear

    and then make blog entry

  176. Will


  177. Florian

    cool :)

  178. bear

    see you all in 2wks

  179. Nÿco


  180. Florian


  181. Nÿco

    what about the call to presenters?

  182. bear

    will is handling that

  183. Will


  184. Nÿco


  185. Nÿco

    I have an HD camcorder...

  186. Florian

    ah cool

  187. Florian

    I can get one too + tripod / mics

  188. Nÿco

    who would do the editing then?

  189. Nÿco


  190. Florian

    I could do it ...

  191. Florian

    post FOSDEM

  192. Florian

    so get one talk up per week

  193. Florian

    would get people to come back to xmpp.org from time to time :)

  194. Nÿco

    ok... what format? video + pres? video + in-picture-pres? sync between video + pres?

  195. Florian

    hmm ... if we can get the slides in PDF form

  196. Nÿco

    how would you sync video and PDF?

  197. Florian

    dunno ... never added slides

  198. bear

    have a visible clock on the table

  199. bear

    its a low-tech way of doing timesync

  200. Nÿco

    ok, a simple solution is to grab the sound and PDF, do the trick on SlideShare...

  201. Florian

    we'll figure something out by then :)

  202. Nÿco

    but you need to host the sound files

  203. Steffen Larsen

    howw about using parleys.com? or is it only for devoxx?.. it's pretty cool for presentations and video

  204. Nÿco

    bear: you would do that for every website visitor? ;-)

  205. bear

    nyco - I meant for editing and doing timecode syncing :P

  206. bear

    to know when the presenter changes slide

  207. Nÿco

    I propose two solutions: * SlideShare: upload the slides there, upload somewhere else the sound file, sync both on the SlideShare editor, done. cons: no video * custom-made video: film the presenter, optionnally with two cameras (two different angles), edit, then 1/ add the slides as picture-in-picture, 2/ convert slides to video, use the presenter edited video as picture-in-picture

  208. Steffen Larsen

    if its less than 500mb we can do it on parleys.com.. but its prob. more when its HD. :-) It costs 149€ for 10Gb

  209. bear

    to be honest - I don't mind at all when a presentation is 80/20 showing of slides with the presenter off to the side barely visible :)

  210. Nÿco

    Parleys seems nice...

  211. Kev

    Isn't it a pretty bad presentation if the only interesting thing is the slidedeck? :)

  212. koski

    I had the same thought than Kev

  213. Steffen Larsen

    anyone up for a tech review meeting?.. anyone for the team present?

  214. Kev

    If we want videos of presentations, I'd be inclined to video the whole thing, and then just include the slidedeck as a download.

  215. Kev


  216. Steffen Larsen

    review team?? hello? echo… :-)

  217. koski


  218. Steffen Larsen


  219. Kev

    Is there a meeting scheduled?

  220. Steffen Larsen


  221. Steffen Larsen

    for 18:00 utc here.. but only me and tuomas (koski) here

  222. Kev

    Hmm, I don't see it in the calendar.

  223. koski

    Yes, and sadly even I have to go. Unexpected family business.

  224. Steffen Larsen

    anyone knows about fabio??.. he haven't been present lately when doing the meetings. isn't he the team lead?

  225. koski

    Steffen Larsen: yes, fabio should be.

  226. Steffen Larsen

    Kev: no sorry, I've only updated the wiki and a sent out a mail for about two weeks ago

  227. Kev

    I'm keeping half an eye out anyway, but it looks like there's no-one here.

  228. koski


  229. petermount

    i'm lurking, but busy :-/

  230. koski

    Steffen Larsen: It seems that it needs to be re-planned/rethought.

  231. Steffen Larsen

    We really need to do something about the organizing of the meetings, and have people to meetup. People are so bad in this. I know its a volunteer job, but anyways..

  232. Steffen Larsen

    koski: si! you'r right! :-)

  233. Steffen Larsen

    but it really have to be the team lead to step up a bit and do the call etc..

  234. koski

    Ok, i think it's no need to hang here then. Let's send mail tomorrow about it and let's see if it causes some discussion

  235. koski

    Gotta go! Cheers!

  236. petermount

    i've been bad for that the last couple of months... hopefully will get freed up a bit soon

  237. Steffen Larsen

    koski: ok.. will you call the meeting tomorrow?.. It seems like it either me or you doing it.

  238. Steffen Larsen

    petermount: thats ok, we all have our duties to do and family business to attend.. but people could at least send a mail that they wont show up and add to the agenda or so..

  239. petermount

    thats true

  240. Kev

    I admit that the agenda slipped through my inbox, and I didn't see it on the calendar, so I'd not realised it was on.

  241. Kev

    What was the agenda thread called?

  242. petermount

    I was thinking the same thing kev - I've not seen much email recently at all...

  243. petermount

    only found out about this by accident earlier

  244. Kev

    Oh, right, that thread.

  245. Kev

    I'd not processed that as there wasn't anyone agreeing on the meeting time :)

  246. Steffen Larsen

    Kev: it was called: Call for meeting.. the subject

  247. Kev

    Yes, I found it - sent on the 6th.

  248. Steffen Larsen

    Kev: and there was a meeting time within that mail

  249. Steffen Larsen

    Kev: yes long time ago.. people had time.. but no one really answered.

  250. petermount

    ah, found it... I should have put it in the calendar :-/

  251. Steffen Larsen

    petermount: and I should have put in on xmpp.org's calendar..

  252. Steffen Larsen

    petermount: I'll talk with koski tomorrow and we'll try to organize a new meeting.

  253. petermount


  254. Steffen Larsen

    well I am out of here as well.

  255. Steffen Larsen

    cheers guys!

  256. Steffen Larsen
