XSF Discussion - 2012-02-03

  1. stpeter


  2. MiGri


  3. stpeter

    hi MiGri

  4. goffi


  5. stpeter

    hi goffi

  6. stpeter


  7. goffi

    at what time should we be there tomorrow ?

  8. stpeter

    at FOSDEM?

  9. stpeter

    the talks start at 11

  10. stpeter

    at least in the devroom

  11. stpeter

    but things officially start at 10

  12. goffi

    at the stand

  13. stpeter


  14. stpeter

    and we have the devroom from 10

  15. stpeter

    for setup etc.

  16. stpeter

    there is also a keynote address at 10

  17. goffi

    okay, I'll try to be there in time to give a hand :)

  18. stpeter


  19. stpeter


  20. Edwin Mons


  21. Florian

    I want a hoodie!

  22. bear

    I wonder if I can bribe someone to get me a very large tshirt :)

  23. dwd

    Well, they're in your car, so...

  24. Kev

    <!-- OUT --> <?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" to="さみっと.えっくすえむぴーぴー.net" version="1.0"> <!-- IN --> <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='2949847318' from='xn--48j2ap4g.xn--r8jau4b8b4fa8gr9cba.net' xml:lang='en'> <!-- IN --> <stream:error><host-unknown xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/></stream:error> <!-- OUT --> </stream:stream> <!-- IN --> </stream:stream>

  25. Kev


  26. stpeter

    さみっと.えっくすえむぴーぴー.net is the server

  27. Steve

    /nick zeank

  28. Steve


  29. Steve

    Hi there! :)

  30. ralphm waves from the lobby

  31. Steve waves from the train ;)

  32. kurt.zeilenga


  33. dwd


  34. Kev waves from the peanut gallery.

  35. Steve

    What's the peanut gallery?

  36. Kev


  37. Steve


  38. KDƵ


  39. stpeter


  40. dwd


  41. zeank

    yay, fixed nickname :-p

  42. stpeter

    Adam Brault talking about KRTConf

  43. MattJ

    Thanks Victor for loaning a laptop :)

  44. stpeter

    http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0310.html + http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0311.html

  45. Kev

    I think that the international server's DNS isn't happy, in some way.

  46. stpeter

    Kev: could be

  47. Kev xn--48j2ap4g.xn--r8jau4b8b4fa8gr9cba.net in /etc/hosts works.

  48. marc.leeman

    could tracking of stale statusses w MUC be interesting to look into when combining it with media streams in order to know when xfer should be stopped

  49. victor

    @Mattj you're welcome :)

  50. Kev

    marc.leeman: I'm not sure it would be necessarily right to do so, given that it indicates an s2s failure, rather than necessarily e2e failures.

  51. MattJ


  52. stpeter

    http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0136.html is the old one

  53. marc.leeman

    Kev: when s2s fails, the session is broken; if the sender uses multicast and this information is not used; it will never figure out when the number of listeners is 0 and will as such never free the resources?

  54. Kev

    marc.leeman: It depends how you're sending.

  55. stpeter

    carbons = http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0280.html

  56. stpeter

    result set management = http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0059.html

  57. stpeter


  58. stpeter

    vs. http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0184.html

  59. stpeter

    URLs for everything :)

  60. stpeter


  61. SimonTennant


  62. SimonTennant

    in action if anyone wants to play: https://beta.buddycloud.org/simon@buddycloud.org

  63. MattJ

    The "Oooh, shiny!" hasn't worn off for me yet

  64. Tobias

    SimonTennant, is it supposed to work in Chrome?

  65. SimonTennant

    Tobias: should work fine - I'm running it here.

  66. Tobias

    SimonTennant, seems to have been a caching problem...works fine now

  67. SimonTennant

    tobias: we need to fix our etags and ttl stuff. I'll update the install doc as soon as we have a working apache config.

  68. stpeter

    BTW we're talking about multi-user jingle in the room at the end of the halway

  69. Neustradamus

    I can not join you at the FOSDEM, sorry again.