XSF Discussion - 2013-01-28

  1. Lance

    well, if I only link to the main election wiki page instead of individual applications, I think I can get the adhoc commands to mostly play nice in clients

  2. Lance

    the chat version is working great: http://cl.ly/image/28142K2C2Y1l

  3. arcriley

    lance what about data forms?

  4. Lance

    via adhoc commands, or in just plain messags?

  5. arcriley

    depends on how voting is setup

  6. Lance

    I've not really decided on how best to to plain message data forms

  7. Lance

    psi is the only client i know that has support for them

  8. arcriley

    im just thinking itd be nice to be able to see the whole voting ballot at once

  9. arcriley

    client support be damned, if *we* can't use our own extensions who can we expect will?

  10. Lance

    right, that's what I tried to do with council/board elections

  11. Lance

    i know, right? That's why I've loaded the bot with other extensions too. vcard, nickname, avatar, etc

  12. arcriley


  13. Lance

    even has a mood and current activity

  14. Lance

    (excited/working, cause what the hell, why not)

  15. Lance

    I think I'll just add a disco check for message form support and make that one of the initial questions. "Would you like to use a dataform?"

  16. Lance

    maybe. will have to see how it works in practice

  17. Lance

    I originally wanted to include last message correction too, to do immediate corrections when voting

  18. Lance

    but the chat vote session is using a coroutine for state, and i can't really unwind the stack for corrections :/