XSF Discussion - 2013-11-07

  1. fippo

    tobias: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/IETF-Streit-um-sicheres-HTTP-2-0-neu-entbrannt-2041890.html -- we really need to explain monika to let us review her articles before publication

  2. fippo

    the jabber community is only holding up the "opportunistic tls" flag, not the "tls" flag

  3. Tobias reads

  4. Tobias

    For service deployments: o require the use of TLS for both client-to-server and server-to-server connections

  5. Tobias

    maybe she misinterpreted that as strong authenticated TLS connections via trusted certs

  6. fippo

    i suppose "use of TLS" isn't really well defined

  7. Kev

    Well, it is in 6120

  8. Tobias

    does it imply which CAs are in your TA?

  9. Tobias

    or define those

  10. Tobias

    that's out of scope i think

  11. fippo

    well, 6120 says that one must check certificates

  12. fippo

    and opportunistic violates that because it (partially) ignores the results of the certificate check

  13. Tobias

    does it define what check certificate means?

  14. fippo

    http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120#section- does that

  15. MattJ

    Observation: the XSF blog announced the start of voting, but not the close and results, and nothing about the summit either...

  16. fippo

    "board, get busy"? :-)

  17. MattJ

    Just an observation, I said :)

  18. fippo

    we could ask peter for notes :-))))

  19. Tobias

    yeah..let's put more load on his todo

  20. fippo

    mattj: +1, currently we lack a warning sign "don't shoot yourself in the foot"

  21. bear

    *sigh* I knew there was something I forgot to do

  22. bear goes to draft the voting results post

  23. MattJ

    Sorry bear :)

  24. MattJ

    You need more minions

  25. bear

    plenty of minions, just need focus

  26. bear

    so getting reminded that things need to be done is helpful (well, for me that is)

  27. MattJ

    fippo, I'm considering a mod_nothing_to_hide that echoes all your messages to a public MUC, pubsub or MAM archive

  28. fippo

    bear: can you draft one of your andyet minions to adulate lance @ http://xmpp.org/about-xmpp/xsf/xmpp-council/ :-)

  29. bear

    fippo - sure can

  30. fippo

    whoever baptized me "Hornsby Cornflower" can surely do that

  31. bear


  32. MattJ


  33. fippo

    mattj: after you've reviewed mod_turncredentials that sounds like a good idea :-)

  34. MattJ

    fippo, ah yes :)

  35. fippo

    on the matter of board activity, we actually have (german) press writing about the manifesto before the xsf has a press relase

  36. fippo

    otoh, it's not an xsf activity

  37. fippo


  38. Lance

    i'd love for the XSF to have and publish opinions on things affecting the XMPP network / community though. It's rather expected of us by other communities

  39. Lance tries to draft a short bio while waiting to board for vancouver

  40. fippo

    ah, you're not there the whole week?

  41. Lance

    no, just friday

  42. bear

    I have created a quick manifesto post

  43. bear

    fippo ^^

  44. fippo

    bear: ^5

  45. fippo

    https://www.loomio.org/discussions/3678?page=5 <-- if anyone wants to tell the diaspora people about xmpp (and webrtc)...

  46. MattJ

    You already did a good job :)

  47. bear

    yea, was reading to get context and see that fippo is already involved - nice work sir!

  48. fippo

    at some point i'll have to find a way to abandon strophe and use stanza.io

  49. Lance

    heh. you'll never be rid of strophe.jingle though :p

  50. fippo

    http://vancouver.conf.meetecho.com/WebLite/event.jsp?w=rtcweb btw

  51. fippo

    vp8 vs h.264

  52. Lance

    i just need to review what's needed for pranswer in jingle.js first..

  53. Lance

    who's winning?

  54. fippo

    lance: i'll see about refactoring my stuff and adding it to jingle.js

  55. fippo

    i need to update it for dtls support anyway

  56. bear

    they are working thru the h.264 fud and also wondering why google doesn't do what cisco just did

  57. fippo

    not sure, they haven't unpacked the vuvuzelas, kazoos and trumpets yet

  58. Lance

    gah! i should have brought kazoos

  59. fippo

    my position on that is clearly "i don't care about the video codec..."

  60. fippo

    i'm just wondering how to get adobe to implement VP8 so i can sell an old rtmfp server for lots of money (-:

  61. Lance


  62. bear

    "lets stop picking nits and arguing about points on the slide"... <-- must be new to IETF

  63. fippo

    "google's codec and the standard codec"

  64. fippo

    ted is great

  65. bear

    "I offered him a hug" :)

  66. Lance

    fippo: what was left to implement in jitsi's video bridge?

  67. fippo

    lance: i just started to work on it this week. on the bridge side it's not yet capable of ice yet (supposed to land this week)

  68. fippo

    on the client side i don't understand how it's supposed to be used. but emil will explain that to me tomorrow hopefully

  69. fippo

    after that it's hunting down issues