XSF Discussion - 2013-11-25

  1. ralphm

    MattJ: how is it relevant *who* hummed, really. That's the whole point of it not actually being voting.

  2. ralphm

    The thing with the MUC people v.s. people there in person or on the mailing list or whatever is just a distraction of the real problem: the chairs not being able to ask for, or determine, the (lack of) consensus on MTI codecs for WebRTC.

  3. fippo

    oh... i just heard websockets will obsolete xmpp

  4. fippo

    the guy who said that was kindly pointed to lance's draft :-)

  5. ralphm


  6. ralphm

    and what happened next?

  7. Kev

    and then a bear came.

  8. fippo


  9. fippo


  10. ralphm

    fippo: hm

  11. fippo

    i still wonder whether to comment

  12. fippo

    probably http://hancke.name/why-send-some-a-URI-is-not-a-signalling-protocol is the best answr

  13. ralphm


  14. ralphm

    fippo: I like emil's response, too

  15. Simon


  16. ralphm

    Simon: on the post itself

  17. Zash

    "a Facebook Connect button"

  18. Zash

    yeeeeeah, no.

  19. fippo


  20. fippo

    just had a colibri webrtc session with emil and yana from jitsi

  21. fippo

    the quality was awesome ;-)

  22. MattJ


  23. ralphm


  24. fippo


  25. fippo

    (i actually had to think before using a period)

  26. fippo

    so after a week of feeling like an old man, i am now feeling young again. thanks ralph

  27. ralphm

    Hey fippo, whatever.