XSF Discussion - 2013-12-10

  1. dwd


  2. MattJ


  3. Alex


  4. fippo

    poor bluejimp logo with that green background ;-)

  5. stpeter


  6. Simon

    Was any consensus reached about the Summit being in London vs Brussels?

  7. bear

    not that I know of

  8. Simon

    thanks Bear.

  9. bear


  10. bear

    hmm, I need to be up earlier than usual to make the council meeting

  11. Kev

    Isn't it at the usual time?

  12. bear

    yes, but I normally wake up like 5 min before he board meeting :)

  13. Kev


  14. Kev

    You could delegate. I'm being told that this is very much in fashion :)

  15. bear


  16. bear

    it may be covered already, I just want to be up to make sure and to listen in

  17. Kev

    The way I read your message was that someone from Board would say what it was that was needed during the Council meeting.

  18. bear


  19. bear

    we have one for sure and a second one possible

  20. bear

    (liason request)

  21. Kev

    Then all is well with the world :)