XSF Discussion - 2014-02-14

  1. Laura

    Just to update on my Board action, Bear posted the ISOC thank you blog for me

  2. bear

    thanks Laura

  3. ralphm

    Laura: you should also gain the creds for @xmppfoundation from bear so you can post there

  4. bear

    yes, I need to get my gpg keylist refeshed with folks so I can pass around the credentials

  5. ralphm

    I explained a bit about gpg to Laura, but I am assuming she doesn't have a key, yet

  6. Laura

    I can post to the blog, if that is what you are talking about? But Bear helped while I got set up

  7. bear

    no - we created a new twitter account: xmppstandards

  8. bear

    to use until simon can get the owners of either xsf or xmpp to turn them over

  9. Laura


  10. dwd

    bear, No need for PGP. Just do a DH exchange on paper.

  11. bear


  12. bear

    oh yea, i'll start on the eliptical curve calculations now

  13. dwd

    Oh, gosh, no.

  14. dwd

    Just DH is fine.

  15. dwd

    Diffie-Hellman - the best use for mayonaise.

  16. bear

    hmm, according to the internets... rot-13 is equivilent to DH

  17. Tobias

    bear, yeah..just get your pencil and ruler and get starting :)

  18. bear

    knowing my maths ... I'll be done by next summit

  19. Tobias

    come..it can all be calculated by drawing :)

  20. bear

    s/maths/art skills/

  21. Tobias

    i guess you'll need a beer based key exchange protocol

  22. bear

    last time I used a protractor most of you were in diapers

  23. dwd

    bear, I suspect I wasn't.

  24. bear

    hehe - true

  25. dwd

    bear, Further, the last time *I* used a protractor, a lot of people here weren't even *born*, which is much more depressing.

  26. bear

    late 80's

  27. bear

    well, I was going to say that, but went for the less depressing version

  28. dwd

    Yeah, I *might* have used one as late as the early '90's. But I suspect I didn't use one that late.

  29. bear

    well, if you count the one time I used one as an ice scraper...

  30. dwd

    Actually, I've used one while helping my children with their homework, I suppose.

  31. intosi

    Protractors can be useful when building things. I used one quite recently.

  32. Zash

    Beer based key agreement protocol?

  33. ralphm

    fippo: link?

  34. fippo

    ralphm: https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=2923

  35. fippo

    zash: I just read "bear based key agreement protocol" :-)

  36. ralphm

    fippo: hehe