XSF Discussion - 2016-01-12

  1. dwd

    FOSDEM has a lightning talk on "Ralph".

  2. winfried

    As long as he isn't struck by it...

  3. azrael

    Kev, intosi: MattJ told me you were responsible for prosody @jabber.org… hermes2v6.jabber.org (from SRV record) is not responding, and xmpp.net says your TLS config could need some love: https://xmpp.net/result.php?domain=jabber.org&type=server

  4. MattJ

    I never mentioned Prosody :)

  5. MattJ

    jabber.org doesn't run Prosody

  6. Zash

    did you mean "responsible for jabber.org @prosody (the room)"

  7. Zash

    And as sevral people mentioned, hermes2v6.jabber.org seems to be responding?

  8. azrael

    MattJ: sorry, I think I read that on the website

  9. azrael

    Zash: I meant "responsible for the xmpp server jabber.org"

  10. Kev

    azrael: Do you mean not responding, or you can't route to it?

  11. azrael

    hermes2v6 seems to be v6 only, that's why *I* cannot route to it

  12. azrael

    dunno about xmpp.net

  13. Link Mauve

    That’s pretty much in the name. :)

  14. azrael

    Link Mauve: tbh, my first association was about some weird naming scheme indicating when servers have been set up or sth

  15. azrael

    well, now xmpp.net doesn't complain anymore

  16. azrael

    sorry for bugging you with that … but the TLS config is still the same

  17. winfried

    hermes2v6 responds nicely over ipv6, just a bit slow because it resides on the other side of the pond...

  18. intosi

    hermes2v6 responds as expected, xmpp.net doesn't seem to like an IPv6-only connection.

  19. Link Mauve

    It answers at a surprisingly stable 140ms ping.

  20. Link Mauve

    From France.

  21. winfried

    same here, xmpp.net seams to be perfectly reachable over ipv6

  22. xnyhps

    I don't have IPv6 here, so I've never implemented it for xmpp.net (though I also don't know what exactly would need to be implemented).

  23. Zash

    Fix verse probably

  24. winfried

    it seems to work without problems over ipv6

  25. Zash

    The website?

  26. winfried


  27. Zash

    But the test system

  28. Link Mauve

    Hmm, wget doesn’t like its certificate, although Firefox has no issue with it.

  29. azrael

    \o hexa-

  30. hexa-


  31. winfried

    Zash: testing myself now, but I don't see any xmpp.net at all in my netstat

  32. winfried

    ah... wrong port...

  33. ThUnD3r|Gr33n

    why IP6 should be implemented?

  34. winfried

    Test runs over ipv6