XSF Discussion - 2017-02-23

  1. SamWhited

    I think the website is down; I don't appear to be able to ssh in either and downforeveryoneorjustme.com agrees.

  2. SamWhited

    huh, and there it goes responding well… short outage.

  3. Zash

    Dey took ur nines

  4. jonasw

    Tobias: http://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/faq.html#how-do-i-assign-custom-templates-on-a-per-page-basis A custom template for the XEP / client page is probably sane. Load the data in the pelican config and access it from within the template. Jinja templates should offer enough computatational capability for that.

  5. jonasw

    (they’re probably turing complete via recursion)

  6. jonasw


  7. jonasw

    that throws a 500

  8. Zash

    Not the most reliable differ unfortunately

  9. Zash

    WFM now, but it was real slow

  10. Ge0rG

    jonasw: yeah, it's rendered on first access. you need to call it, wait some minutes and refreshe then

  11. Ge0rG

    I'm sure Zash could provide his awesome retro fixed-font markdiff version.

  12. Zash

    Ge0rG: The thing where I don't get along with git so well makes that a pain

  13. Zash

    but here's the latest 313 version: https://www.zash.se/xep-0313-0.6-vs-0.6.1.html

  14. Ge0rG

    Zash: I can provide you with the required shell magic

  15. intosi

    Our differ fails on the first load of a diff, but succeeds the second load. I think it's a timing issue.

  16. intosi

    Ge0rG: a few minutes is excessive. The next reload always succeeds for me.

  17. Ge0rG

    intosi: maybe my internets is just slow :)

  18. Zash

    Ge0rG: Random SO answers point to horrible things that no longer exist, and things that apparently require tons of extra configuration.

  19. Ge0rG

    Zash: what exact input do you wish to get?

  20. Zash

    Ge0rG: Two filenames.

  21. Zash

    One being the old version, one being the new version

  22. Ge0rG

    Zash: easy. "echo filename1 filename2"

  23. Zash

    `hg extdiff -p echo`

  24. Zash


  25. jonasw

    intosi, I reloaded one or two times, but what Ge0rG says makes sense ...

  26. jonasw

    Zash: what’s wrong with git checkout identifier_of_version1:path/to/file > file.version1 git checkout identifier_of_version2:path/to/file > file.version2 ? identifier_of_versionX can be a commit id, a tag, a branch or whatever

  27. Zash

    That's pretty much what I've been doing

  28. Tobias

    jonasw, yeah..using a custom template for client/library/server pages could work, although it feels a bit ugly :)

  29. jonasw

    it’s less ugly than sed.

  30. jonasw

    by orders of magnitude ;-)

  31. Tobias


  32. Tobias

    jonasw, happen to know with what format pelican/jinja2 can read and turn into tables most easily?

  33. jonasw

    you can use anything python can read

  34. jonasw

    but JSON is probably the most easiest

  35. jonasw

    load it in the pelican config, you should be able to access it as a global in the template then

  36. Tobias

    k..will give that a shot sometime the next days

  37. jonasw

    in pelicanconf.py you could for example do: import json with open("clientdb.json", "r") as f: CLIENT_DB = json.load(f) and in the template you could: {% for client in CLIENT_DB %} {% if client.show_on_page %} … some table row markup … {% endif %} {% endfor %} with clientdb.json: [{"name": "fancy client", "show_on_page": true}, {"name": "legacy client", "show_on_page": false}] or anything like that :)

  38. Tobias

    great...then we could simply add a property in the json for each item for "last_updated" to have a date and on rendering just omit the ones that are older than a year or so

  39. jonasw

    yes :)

  40. jonasw

    (of course, you could also abuse the blog feature and create articles for each client and use the metadata and so on, but that’s probably worse.)

  41. Tobias

    https://shattered.io/ :)

  42. jonasw

    oh dear

  43. MattJ

    How widespread is this? As far as we know our example collision is the first ever created.

  44. MattJ

    That must have been a great feeling

  45. jonasw

    > This attack required over 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 SHA1 computations. This took the equivalent processing power as 6,500 years of single-CPU computations and 110 years of single-GPU computations.

  46. mimi89999

    It's good that SHA1 got depreciated for certificates and TLS.

  47. intosi

    Indeed. Because what you really can do is spend a few weeks brute-forcing the hash for a single bit of data, with the same prefix :)

  48. intosi

    It means SHA-1 should go, sure, but it doesn't mean SHA-1 is now suddenly worthless ;)

  49. Zash

    Website too shiny, what have they actually done?

  50. intosi

    Created a PDF that has the same SHA-1 checksum as another PDF.

  51. intosi

    And yes, that site is too shiny.

  52. Zash

    And that's what, marginally harder than finding two random blobs of data with the same sha1, if they have to be valid PDF files too?

  53. SamWhited

    that's not the important part; that's just a demo. The important part is that they can generate two blobs of data that have the same sha1 with much greater efficiency than brute force.

  54. SamWhited

    just a demo of an actual bad thing you could do with it, I mean.

  55. intosi

    ^ what SamWhited said.

  56. intosi

    The fact that they created another perfectly fine PDF with altered content is the gravy.

  57. Zash

    I've gotten the impression that it's much harder if the data needs to fit some strict format, like say signed blob of ASN.1 DER

  58. SamWhited

    Indeed; makes it practical and not just some abstract thing that everyone using SHA-1 can just ignore.

  59. SamWhited

    Yah, it's probably harder, which is why the announcement is even more impactful.

  60. Zash

    What dwd wrote to the list.

  61. SamWhited

    Yah, probably doesn't matter for us immediately (eg. in the case of SCRAM-SHA-1 where it's just used as the hash for the HMAC, so we probably don't care), but it's still a pretty big deal.

  62. SamWhited

    Actually, that's the only place where we use SHA-1 that I can think of… there are probably more.

  63. Zash

    SCRAM-MD5 would probably be just as safe

  64. jonasw

    SamWhited: entity caps?

  65. jonasw

    but that’s broken anyways iirc

  66. SamWhited

    ah yah, forgot about that. It's broken?

  67. Zash

    It's unclear about the escaping of special XML characters.

  68. SamWhited

    oh fun

  69. Zash

    So it is possible to produce a collision based on moving the attributes around.

  70. Zash

    Pretty sure waqas has talked about this loooooooooooooong ago

  71. Zash

    Might even be what that link on the list was, since I didn't follow it

  72. Flow

    Zash: It was that link